L - Liberty is not "the freedom for", but "the freedom from" O – Opportunity to love the eternal is rare V - Variety expresses Krishna's accessibility.

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Presentation on theme: "L - Liberty is not "the freedom for", but "the freedom from" O – Opportunity to love the eternal is rare V - Variety expresses Krishna's accessibility."— Presentation transcript:


2 L - Liberty is not "the freedom for", but "the freedom from" O – Opportunity to love the eternal is rare V - Variety expresses Krishna's accessibility E - Experience is the ultimate harmonizer & verifier LOVE is the ultimate reality



5 The American Paradox Since 1960, The divorce rate has doubled. The divorce rate has doubled. The teen suicide rate has tripled. The teen suicide rate has tripled. The recorded violent crime rate has quadrupled. The recorded violent crime rate has quadrupled. The prison population has quintupled. The prison population has quintupled. The percentage of babies born outside marriage has sextupled. The percentage of babies born outside marriage has sextupled. Depression has soared - to ten times the pre - World War II level. Depression has soared - to ten times the pre - World War II level.


7 Casualties in the Century of Science The twentieth century was the most violent century in known human history. Indeed, three times more people died in wars of the twentieth century than in the entire history of warfare between A.D. 1 and 1899. - Ending Violent Conflict, Worldwatch Institute (Washington D.C.)

8 Casualties in the Century of Science - I First World War (1914–18):..................... 15 million Russian Civil War (1917–22):.................... 9 million Soviet Union, Stalins regime (1924–53):......... 20 million Second World War (1937–45):.................. 55 million Chinese Civil War (1945–49):.................. 2.5 million Peoples Republic of China, Mao Zedongs regime (1949–75):............................ 40 million Congo Free State (1886–1908):................... 8 million Mexico (1910–20):.............................. 1 million Turkish massacres of Armenians (1915–23):..... 1.5 million China, Nationalist era (1928–37):............... 3.1 million Korean War (1950–53):......................... 2.8 million

9 Casualties in the Century of Science - II North Korea (1948 et seq.):.................. 2 million Rwanda and Burundi (1959–95):.............. 1.35 million Second Indochina War (1960–75):.............. 3.5 million Nigeria (1966–70):.......................... 1 million Bangladesh (1971):........................ 1.25 million Cambodia, Khmer Rouge (1975–78):........... 1.65 million Mozambique (1975–92):..................... 1 million Afghanistan (1979–2001):.................... 1.8 million Iran–Iraq War (1980–88):.................... 1 million Sudan (1983 et seq.):.......................1.9 million Kinshasa, Congo (1998 et seq.):................ 3.8 million

10 What we need to discover is not the god particle in the atom, but the godly particle in the heart

11 L - Liberty is not "the freedom for", but "the freedom from" O – Opportunity to love the eternal is rare V - Variety expresses Krishna's accessibility E - Experience is the ultimate harmonizer & verifier LOVE is the ultimate reality

12 Lets Make Our Intelligence FIT and choose to love the eternal

13 Spirituality, a Higher Dimensional Science Science Theory Experiment Spirituality Religion Philosophy

14 Srila Prabhupada - Philosophy without religion is just mental speculation Spirituality Philosophy Religion

15 Srila Prabhupada - Religion without philosophy is at best sentimentalism and at worst fanaticism. Spirituality Philosophy Religion

16 The worlds great religions are facilities for us to redirect our love from the temporary to the eternal eg University, Hospital

17 L - Liberty is not "the freedom for", but "the freedom from" O – Opportunity to love the eternal is rare V - Variety expresses Krishna's accessibility E - Experience is the ultimate harmonizer & verifier LOVE is the ultimate reality

18 The Story of The Story of the Prodigal Son Krishna is a God who doesnt just welcome us back, but also strives multifariously to get us back. One such extraordinary effort of his is the system of demigod worship

19 Story Object of Service Real Object of Service MotiveLevel Some other Land Lord Semi-god (Say-me God) WealthMaterialism Minister of King Demi-godWealthKarma Kanda KingKrishnaWealthSakama Bhakti KingKrishnaLoveSuddha Bhakti

20 Why so many gods? 1. kämais tais tair håta-jïänäù prapadyante 'nya-devatäù taà taà niyamam ästhäya prakåtyä niyatäù svayä 2. yo yo yäà yäà tanuà bhaktaù çraddhayärcitum icchati tasya tasyäcaläà çraddhäà täm eva vidadhämy aham (Bhagavad Gita 7.20-21 )

21 Why so many gods? 3. sa tayä çraddhayä yuktas tasyärädhanam éhate labhate ca tataù kämän mayaiva vihitän hi tän 4. antavat tu phalaà teñäà tad bhavaty alpa-medhasäm devän deva-yajo yänti mad-bhaktä yänti mäm api (Bhagavad Gita 7.22-23)

22 The compassionate logic of demigod worship Is 60% score good or bad? For one capable of scoring 40%, it is excellent For one capable of scoring 80%, it is undesirable Is demigod worship good or bad? For atheists and materialists, it is recommended For serious spiritual seekers, it is discouraged

23 Vallabhacharya

24 Keshav Kashmiri

25 The Vedic system of multi-level worship bears testimony to: 1.A unique concern for the individuality of the worshipper and 2. An unparalleled flexibility of the worshipable in making himself accessible

26 L - Liberty is not "the freedom for", but "the freedom from" O – Opportunity to love the eternal is rare V - Variety expresses Krishna's accessibility E - Experience is the ultimate harmonizer & verifier LOVE is the ultimate reality

27 Material science is experimental, Spiritual Science is experiential


29 Hero – Krishna Director – Yoga-Maya Script-Writer – Krishna Hero – Krishna Director – Yoga-Maya Script-Writer – Krishna



32 Questions? www.thespiritualscientist. com

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