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Building an XBRL Basel II solution in Europe

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Presentation on theme: "Building an XBRL Basel II solution in Europe"— Presentation transcript:

1 Building an XBRL Basel II solution in Europe
The COREP XBRL project

2 AGENDA Business case European Basel II framework COREP concept
Superset of reports Data Matrix COREP project Architecture Test cases Project team

3 Business case: XBRL use on COREP
Bank Supervisor Bank operations, controls…. Presentation, Analysis… Risk Management Operations Counterparties Collateral IS Supervisory Reports Other data Report Aggregator Reception XBRL instance

4 Business case: XBRL use on COREP
XBRL implementation COREP XBRL Taxonomy (National Extension) COREP XBRL Taxonomy (Europe) Bank Supervisor Internet Bank operations, controls…. Presentation, Analysis… Errors Errors Risk Management Operations Counterparties Collateral IS Supervisory Reports Other data Basel II App. Basel II App. to XBRL from XBRL Report Report XBRL common File Transfer (National)

5 Business case - Definition
COREP: defining a COmmon REPorting framework around the solvency ratio for credit institutions and investment firms under the European Union Capital Requirements. (Based on Basel II, Pillar I) Committee of European Banking Supervisors

6 Business case - requirements
Flexibility: each supervisor is allowed to choose the scope as well as the level of aggregation of information required; the framework will allow for flexibility also to accommodate for differences in the exercise of the national options foreseen in the Capital Requirements, for instance with reference to the treatment of small institutions; Consistency: the same concepts and terminology have been used as far as possible; Standardisation: the number of different templates has been minimised.

7 Business case – European framework
Basel II European Law 9X,XX% Basel II compatible Directives 2000/12 & 93/6 Transposition into national Legislation Country 1 Country 2 Country 3 Country 25 National Regulation FSA 1 FSA 2 FSA 3 FSA 25 National Implementation Report 1 Report 2 Report 3 Report 25 XBRL challenge!

8 COREP concept: extension
COREP superset of reports Large report Custom report Medium report Small report

9 COREP concept: template
Dimension 2 Dimension 1 Measure Measure Measure Measure Dimension 3 Dimension 4

10 COREP concept: Data Matrix

11 Deliverables COREP project: goals Initial COREP XBRL taxonomy
Set of non-confidential test cases Basic collaborative environment

12 COREP Project: forecast by January 21st

13 COREP project: Architecture
Initial XML/XBRL taxonomy based in COREP Technological challenge 17 Dimensions Exposure type, Exposure classes, Risk weights… 24 Measure sets Exposure value, Capital requirements, … 26 Templates (Dimensions x Measures) SA Capital requirements, IRB Capital requirements… Taxonomy description at Simplest solution for the easiest implementation Key XBRL “gurus” are participating in COREP

14 COREP project: Test cases
Set of non-confidential test cases: Anonymous: No reputation risk Public: to be used everywhere Early involvement of banks & users Hands-on experience in COREP Quality control of XBRL taxonomies As simple as fulfilling a spreadsheet but… With the intrinsic complexity of Basel II

15 COREP project: Test cases flow
Anonymous Information COREP-XBRL Group Anonymous Information P R O J E C T M A N G 2 Doc File 1 3 Doc, Pdf,… Files Excel File Mapper COLLABORATING INSTITUTION Anonymous upload Excel File COLLABORATING INSTITUTION COLLABORATING INSTITUTION XBRL printout XBRL Instance 4 COLLABORATING INSTITUTIONS SUPERVISORS XBRL COMMUNITY OTHERS 5 Public Repository Non compliant test cases Anonymous Comments


17 COREP project: Request for testing
Common framework for the reporting of the solvency ratio (COREP) by credit institutions To test the COREP XBRL project, institutions are invited to participate by providing test data on a best effort basis. Please visit details.  Who can participate? Any institution that has access to data of banking activities, like for example, credit institutions, consultant firms or any other party interested in participating. How to participate? Institutions should provide test cases using this spreadsheet ( and attaching all the relevant documentation associated. No XBRL knowledge is necessary! Collaborating institutions will acquire through their participation in this process: A deeper and better understanding on the COREP reporting framework for the solvency ratio. A chance to provide comments on how the proposed framework works. This may help institutions to provide comments on the CEBS consultation paper. An early knowledge about the availability in their systems of the information that will be required in the future for solvency reporting. The collaboration in this open process will also allow the Institutions to benefit from the experiences, comments, suggestions and questions posed by other members of the banking industry, market participants and XBRL experts. Questions? to

18 Basic collaborative environment
COREP project team Basic collaborative environment Multinational project team 50 participants from 12 countries on kick-off workshop Different skills Supervisor – business Supervisor – IT experts XBRL practitioners Banks, consultants & providers University Extensive use of Internet tools Website list & repository on Yahoo Group Conference call

19 Acknowledgments Name Country Affiliation Adrian Abbott UK FSA
Ignacio Boixo ES NCB Alejandro Sanz Infodesa Ignacio Hernández-Ros Soft.AG Aliki Kazakopoulo GR J. Emilio Labra Prof.Dr. Annica Lundblad SE PwC Javier Cobo Fujitsu Antonio Menchero Javier de Andres Antonio Sánchez-Serrano Jean-Marie Coudière FR Arturo Labanda Jesus F. Liger Azertia Bryce Pippert USA UBmatrix Johan Giertz Bank César Pérez-Chirinos José Luis F. Cuñado Charles Hoffman Josef Macdonald IASB Cormac McKenna IE Katrin Schmehl DE Cristina Mena inorme Klaus Baumann Daniel D'Amico XBRL Krisztina Tamási HU Daniel Hamm Magdalena Llano Scholar David Castro Michele Romanelli IT Delphine Moreau Olivier Servais BE Dennis Pels NL Pablo Navarro Don Inscoe Pamela Maggiori Emilio Querol Panagiotis Voulgaris Fernando Navarrete Paolo Milani Fernando Wagener Pedro Lorca Francesco Canfora Phil Walenga Francisco Flores Ron Baremans Frédéric Marié Victoria Santillana AFI Gustavo Garcia IBM Walter Hamscher

20 Test cases are more than welcome.
Fell free to join the COREP Club! Thanks for your attention.

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