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Introduction to Rite of Passage African American Rite of Passage The Kwanzaa Gallery, Inc. Frank M. Johnson.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to Rite of Passage African American Rite of Passage The Kwanzaa Gallery, Inc. Frank M. Johnson."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to Rite of Passage African American Rite of Passage The Kwanzaa Gallery, Inc. Frank M. Johnson

2 Summary of Course Personal Finance Values & Principles Beauty & Image Politics African History Family Responsibility Spirituality Nguzo Saba

3 Overview The Kwanzaa Gallery will provide organizational leadership toward a life centered around God and the principles of community, family, ancestry, collective work and responsibility, purpose and faith.

4 Overview l Rite of Passage Agenda l Goals of the Rite of Passage l Personal Order l The Winning Mix l Principles of the African Way of Life - Restoring Ancestry

5 Overview l Applied Community Development via Kwanzaa Principles l Barriers to Realization of the African American American Dream l Courses l Classes l Summary l Bibliography

6 Who is in Attendance? l Find out any relevant background and interest of the audience

7 Connections l Explain how all the individual topics fit together

8 Vocabulary l Glossary of terms l Define the terms as used in this subject

9 Topic One l Rite of Passage Agenda

10 Agenda Overview of ROP Courses Classes Principles of Way of Life/African Ancestry Applied Community Development via Kwanzaa Principles Key Barriers to African American Dream The Winning Mix

11 Agenda l Introduction to Business l Introduction to Economics l Introduction to Finance & Banking l Introduction to Money & Government l Introduction to Teamwork, Collective Work and Responsibility l Introduction to Sou-Sou Saving Circle

12 Agenda l Career Development l Introduction to Ancestry l Family Expectations l The Civil Rights Movements l Ancestral Beliefs l Introduction to Nguzo Saba l Introduction to Sexuality

13 Agenda l Understanding Human Anatomy l Understanding Human Growth Stages l Dangerous Sexual Activity l The Beauty of Life l The Differences Between Sex and Love l Individual Grooming and Hygiene l The Challenge of Being Sexually Active

14 Agenda l Physical Development and Training l Our Common History l Review of the Slavery Era l Review of the Reconstruction Era l Building Community / Community Service l Ancestral Victories and Tragedies l Ancestral Events and Customs

15 Agenda l Introduction to Genealogy l Reconstructing Family History l Introduction to Spirituality l Introduction to Religiosity l Introduction to Denominationalism l Knowing God l Umoja

16 Agenda l Kujichagulia l Ujima l Ujamaa l Nia l The Naming Ceremony l Introduction of Mwalimu (Parents) l Introduction of Mwanafunzi (Student)

17 Agenda l Family Budgeting l Future Vision l Autobiography l The Black American Experience l Physical Challenge l Bible Books and Facts l Rediscovering Africa

18 Agenda l Africans in the Bible l The Family Tree l The Seven Principle of the Nguzo Saba l Interview with an Elder l Building Your Personal Portfolio l The Manhood/Adulthood Testimony

19 Agenda l Introduction of Seaweed(s) l The Rite of Passage –Welcome Address –Naming Ceremony –Fasting, Pledges, Dinner & Libation Feast –Pledges and Adulthood Affirmations –Statement of Responsibility l Celebrating Kwanzaa and The Rite of Passage

20 Topic Two l Goals of the Rite of Passage l Personal Order



23 Topic Three l The Winning Mix l Principles of the African Way of Life - Restoring Ancestry l Applied Community Development via Kwanzaa Principles

24 The Winning Mix Faith Attitude Goals Vision Optimism Planning

25 Principles of African Way of Life - Restoring Ancestry l Reassessment l Reclaiming l Recommitment l Remembrance l Retrieval l Resumption l Resurrection l Rejuvenation

26 Applied Community Development via Kwanzaa Principles l UMOJA (Unity/Cohesion) l KUJICHAGULIA (Self Determination) l UJIMA (Work/Responsibility) l UJAMAA (Economics) l NIA (Purpose, Goals, Objectives) l KUUMBA (Creativity) l IMANI (Faith)

27 Topic Four l Barriers to Realization of the African American American Dream

28 Key Barriers to Realization of the African American Dream l Low Achievement Orientation l Unconstructive Climate l Unconstructive Environment l Stunted Individual Growth l Lack of Creative Capacity l Undeveloped Societal Role

29 Key Barriers to Realization of the African American Dream (contd) l Soft Critiquing l Negative Intergroup Relations l Ineffective Educational Methods l Inappropriate Leadership l Inadequate Team Organization l Inadequate Group Organization l Unqualified Membership l Insufficient Parental Involvement

30 Topic Five l Courses l Classes l Summary l Bibliography

31 Courses l Professional Development Course l The New Creation Course l Assertion Training Course l Harassment and Discrimination Prevention Course l Introduction to Orita Rite of Passage

32 Courses l The Power of Winning Course l Human Relations Development Course l Interpersonal Communications Course l The Power of Winning Course l Harassment and Discrimination Prevention Course l Race Relations / Awareness Course

33 Classes l Introduction to Orita Rite of Passage l Purpose of African American Rite of Passage l Afrocentric World History: Our Common History l History of African Americans l Lesson Learned in African History l African American History: Review of Slave Era

34 Classes l African American History: The Era of Emancipation and Freedom l African American History: Victories, Customs and Events l Science, Technology and African Americans l Industry and the African American l Art, Literature and the African American

35 Classes l Introduction to Business l Introduction to Banking and Finance l Sou-Sou Savings Circle l Money and Government l Career Development l The Criminal Justice System: Crime and Punishment

36 Classes l Physical Training l Physical Development l Future Vision l Art Appreciation l Worldview: Perceptions and Images l Introduction to Genealogy l The Importance of Genealogy l Family Roots and Histories

37 Classes l Our Forefathers: Paternal History l Our Forerunners, Teachers and Mentors: Ancestral Victories l Afrocentric Duties and Responsibilities l Suburban, Urban and Rural African Americans: Bridging The Great Divide l The African American Crest l The African American Creed

38 Classes l The Black Culture l Our Heritage l Paying Homage to Our Motherland l The Psychology of Winning l African American Growth, Teambuilding and Development l Behaviors, Attitudes and Values of People Male and Female

39 Classes l Paternal History: What is Manhood l Male Leadership, Mentoring and Bonding l Introduction to Sexuality l Human Anatomy l Understanding Sexuality, Grooming and Hygiene l Sexually Transmitted Disease(s)

40 Classes l Gender Relations: Male / Female l Love, Sex and Other Emotions l Relating to Adults: Guidance for Youth l Duties, Rights, Obligations and Responsibilities l The Key to Effective Communications l Leadership l Motivational Leadership

41 Classes l Peer Pressure: On Being and Becoming l Situational Leadership for African Americans l Understanding Assertion Theory l Being Assertive l Aggression and Passivity l Coping With Difficult Situations Assertively

42 Classes l Value Based Goal Setting l Introduction to Spirituality l Knowing God l The Blessings of Obedience l A Glorious Life l Introduction to Religion, Religiosity and Religious Beliefs l Introduction to Denominations and Denominationalism

43 Classes l Service and Sacrifice: Causes, Effects and Countermeasures l Black is Beautiful l Mwalimu Public Announcements l The Naming Ceremony: The Importance of A Name l Nguzo Saba Affirmations What Is It? What To Do About It?

44 Classes l UMOJA Unity in Family and Community l KUJICHAGULIA: Self Determination l UJIMA Collective Work / Responsibility l UJAMAA Cooperative Economics l NIA Purpose of Rebuilding/Restoring l KUUMBA Creativity l IMANI Faith

45 Classes l Maximum Achievement l The Key to Success l Themes in Human Relations l What Do People Want? l Race and Human Relations: Our Second Job l Overcoming Barriers to Achievement l The Art of Etiquette

46 Classes l Old Age Thinking l Understanding Race and Diversity l Racism and Sexism: The Pervasive Practice l Defeating Racism l Discrimination: Minority, Majority and Gender Based Favoritism l Overcoming Prejudice

47 Classes l The Self-fulfilling Prophecy l Effective Interracial Communications and Conflict l The Decision Making Process l Social Groups and Organizations l The Ku Klux Klan and other Terrorist Groups l Affirmative Action, Integration and Pluralism

48 Classes l Future No-Shock l Achieving Equal Opportunity l Focus on the Family l Focus on the Community l Community Service l Black ICE l Putting It All Together l The New Creation

49 Classes l Winning: A Divine Decree l The New Creation Challenge l Honor, Performance and Esteem l The Reality of The New Creation l The New Creation Thought Process l The Recreated Self-Image l Resiliency: The Quality of Winners and Overcomers

50 Classes l Building Confidence and Self Esteem l Building A Personal Portfolio l Understand Rights, Roles and Responsibilities l Seven Habits of Highly Effective People l Welcome Address l The Confirmation Ceremony

51 Classes l Rite of Passage Pledges l Adulthood Testimonials l Prayer, Fellowship and Libation l Summary of the Rite of Passage l Graduation

52 Classes l Law and Politics: The Black American Experience l Contemporary African American Leadership l The Black Language and Dialect l African Culture l The Black Aesthetic

53 Classes l The Black Church l The Black Family l Personal, Individual, and Institutional Racism l The Black American Psychology l Black American Philosophy l Teen Pregnancy

54 Classes l Education: The Black American Experience l Economics - The Black American Experience l Interpersonal Communications Course l Behavior Modification: The Key to Effective Communications

55 Classes l On Being and Becoming l Speech and Perception l Creative Communications Skills for Non-Professionals l The Significance of Ego Defense Mechanisms (EDM) l Individual and Group Conflict

56 Classes l The Self Fulfilling Prophecy l Interpersonal Communications l The Art of Self-Disclosure l Non-Verbal Communications l The Language of Prejudice l Race Relations / Awareness Course l Race and Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

57 Classes l Interracial Dating, Sex and Marriage l Racism in the Media l Segregation, Separation and Forced Polarization l Black Women: Hopes, Dreams, Problems and Needs

58 Classes l Prejudice and Discriminatory Practices of African Americans l Race and the Administration of Justice l The Racism of Social Darwinism l Racism and Social Perspectives l Human Relations Development Course

59 Classes l Race Relations and the White Working Class l Sex / Gender Discrimination l Reverse Discrimination l Power Relationships in Human Relations l Cultural Pluralism

60 Classes l Mainstream White America: What Is It? What to do about It? l Achieving Equal Opportunity l Understanding Affirmative Actions l Age Discrimination: Causes, Effects and Countermeasures l Public and Private Agencies in EO Research

61 Classes l Anti-Racism and White America l History of Civil Rights l Discrimination Indicators: Measuring and Quantifying the Problem l Prejudice and Discriminatory Practices l Causes of Racial Disharmony l Understanding Elitism, Caste Systems and Class Distinctions

62 Classes l The Decision Making Process l The Cost of Racism l Equal Opportunity: Merit, Fitness and Capability l Equal Opportunity Policies: Origin, Meaning & Rationale l Positive and Negative Ethnocentrism

63 Classes l Minority, Majority and Gender Based Favoritism l The Freedom of Information Act l Themes in Human Relations Training l What Do People Want? l The Integration Factor: Historical Viewpoints

64 Classes l Effective Interracial Communications l The Ku Klux Klan and other Terrorist Groups l The White 'Backlash' Phenomenon l Professional Development Course l Advertising, Marketing and the African American

65 Classes l Suburban, Urban and Rural African Americans: Bridging The Great Divide l The Potential for Racial Conflict in the Future l Equal Opportunity and the Distribution of Wealth l Education: Perpetuator or Eradicator of Racism

66 Classes l The Etiquette of Race Relations l Human Resource Management and Development: The Black Perspective l The Kerner Commission Report Revisited l Institutional Racism l Management Through Human Interactive Skills

67 Classes l African American Growth and Development by MBO l Islam: Understanding the Black Muslim Ideology l The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)

68 Classes l Organizational Communications: The Black Perspective l Organizational Development for African Americans l Participative Management for African Americans l Practical, Legal Equality and Equal Opportunity for African Americans

69 Classes l The Nature of Racial Problems in the Workplaces of America l Racism and Sexism: The Pervasive Practice l Race Relations Education: Solution or Pacification l Differentiating Race and Human Relations in the Workplace

70 Classes l Race and Human Relations: Our Second Job l The New Creation Course l Visualization and Affirmations l Supernatural Creativity l Expanding Your Consciousness and Awareness l The New Creation Challenge

71 Classes l The Comfort Zone l Creative Motivation l Personal and Corporate Steps to Development l Honor, Performance and Esteem l Goal Setting for Success l Habits and Attitudes: A Spiritual Foundation

72 Classes l Steps to Imprinting The New Creation l LILO /GIGO Lock In, Lock Out / Garbage In, Garbage Out l The Reality of The New Creation l The Blessings of Obedience l Possibility Thinking l The Pygmalion Effect l The Recreated Self-Image

73 Classes l Relationships: Associations and Affiliations l Resiliency: The Quality of Winners and Overcomers l The New Creation Thought Process l The Transformation l African American Leadership Course

74 Classes l Farming and Agriculture: The African American Experience l Business and Finance: The African American Experience l The Church, Black Churches and Racism l Personal Strategy for Combating Racism

75 Classes l Culture and Society: The African American Experience l Cultural, Multicultural Differences and Diversity l Equality: Privilege, Rights and Responsibilities: The African American Experience

76 Classes l Family and Community: The African American Experience l Health and Health Care: The African American Experience l Justice, Crime and Punishment: The African American Experience l Motivational Leadership

77 Classes l Politics and Government: The African American Experience l Military and National Defense: The African American Experience l Science and Engineering: The African American Experience l Situational Leadership for African Americans

78 Classes l Harassment and Discrimination Prevention Course l Interpersonal Communications and Counseling Skills l Organizational Action for Prevention of Harassment l Prohibited Race / Gender Harassment: Regulatory Authority

79 Classes l Identifying Race and Sex Role Stereotypes l Assertion Training Course l Understanding Assertion Theory l Building Confidence and Self Esteem l Coping With Difficult Situations Assertively

80 Classes l Integrating Talents and Skills for Assertiveness l Building Non-Verbal Skills for Assertiveness l Understand Rights, Roles and Responsibilities l Coping with Stress and Anxiety l Strengthening Your Beliefs System

81 Classes l Structured Experiences and Exercises l Building Verbal Skills for Assertiveness l Building Cognitive Skills for Assertiveness l The Power of Winning Course l Winning: The Anointing Factor l Winning: A Divine Decree

82 Classes l Dare to Be Different: The Power of Independence l The Power of Self-Awareness l The Power of Self-Control l The Power of Wisdom l The Power of Self-Motivation l The Power of Self-Expectancy

83 Classes l The Power of Self-Esteem l The Power of Vision l The Power of Self-Discipline l The Power of Self-Direction l The Power of Self-Dimension

84 Summary l State what has been learned l Define ways to apply training

85 Where to get more information l Other training sessions l See Bibliography below, articles, electronic sources l Consulting services, other sources

86 Bibliography l Reading, Writing and Ritualizing, Grimes, R. Washington, D.C.: The Pastoral Press - 1993. l Ritual Criticism: Case Studies in Its Practice. Essays on Its Theory, Grimes, R. South Carolina: University of South Carolina Press, 1990. l Beginning in Ritual Studies, Grimes, R. Washington, D.C.: University Press of America. 1982.

87 Bibliography l Coming of Age, Hill, Paul Jr., Chicago: African American Images. 1992 l Back to the Future: Journal of African American Men, Vol 1, Issue 1, 41-62 Hill, P. 1997. l Africentric rites of Passage: Nurturing The Next Generation: Reaching Todays Youth: The Community Circle of Caring Journal, Vol. 3, issue 1, 9-13; Hill. P. 1998

88 Bibliography l The Power of Myth, Campbell, J. New York: Doubleday 1988. l The Hero With an African Face, Ford, C. New York: Bantam 1999. l Ritual: Power, Healing and Community, Some, M.; Portland, Oregon: Swan Raven & Co., 1993.

89 Bibliography l Rites and Symbols of Initiation, Eliade, M.; New York: Harper Torch Books, 1958. l Reading in Ritual Studies, Grimes, R. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1996. l Personal Mythology, Feinstein, D., Krippner, S.; New York: St. Martins Press 1988. l Kwanzaa: A Celebration of Family, Community and Culture. Karenga, M; Los Angeles: University of Sankore Press 1998.

90 Bibliography l Black Children: Their Roots, Culture and Learning Styles. Hale, J.; Provo, Utah: Brigham Young University Press, 1982. l An Introduction to the Foundation of Education. Ornstein, A.& Levine, D.; Boston, Houghton, 1985. l Children In Danger. Garbarino, J., Dubrow, N., Kostelny, K. & Pardo, C.; San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers, 1992.

91 Bibliography l Race Matters, Cornell West; Boston: Beacon Press 1993. l The Strength of Black Families. Hill, R.; New York: Independent Publishers Group, 1972. l Black American Scholars. Bond, H.; Detroit: Belamp Publishing, 1972. l Orita: Rite of Passage for Youth of African descent in America. Marilyn & Warren Maye; New York City, Faith Works, 2000.

92 Bibliography l Orita For Black Youth, Fair, Frank T.,Valley Forge, PA,Hudson Press, 1977. l Bringing the Black Boy Into Manhood, Hare, Nathan & Julia, San Francisco, CA; The Black Think Tank, 1985. l Countering The Conspiracy to Destroy Black Boys. Kunjufu, Jawanza; Chicago, IL, African American Images 1986.

93 Bibliography l Herstory: Black Female Rite of Passage. Lewis, Mary C., Chicago, IL; African American Images, 1987. l Black Young Adults: How to Reach Them. McCray, Walter A.; Chicago, IL; Blacklight Fellowship, 1986. l Rite of Passage for Black Youth. Sims, Edward Jr., Philadelphia, PA.; B.F.R. Publications, 1976.

94 Bibliography l Transformation. Moore, M.., Gilyard, G. A., King, K. Warfield-Coppock, N.. New York, NY, Star Press, 1987. l People of Color in the Bible. Emmanuel, W. M.; Pennsylvania: Faith of Jesus Center, 1992. l African Centered Rites of Passage and Education. Goggins, L. II; Chicago, IL: African American Images, 1996.

95 Feedback l Request feedback of training session

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