Classical Recap Lesson

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Presentation on theme: "Classical Recap Lesson"— Presentation transcript:

1 Classical Recap Lesson

2 Instrument Recognition

3 Style of Vocal Music content/uploads/hotpots/i7_higher_vocal_short_answer.htm

4 Ornaments content/uploads/hotpots/i7_higher_ornaments_1.htm

5 Describe the time signature

6 Identify the Cadence content/uploads/hotpots/i7_higher_cadences1.htm Recap: FINISHED: 1. Perfect Chords V to I at the end of a phrase. (sounds like “the end” 2. Plagal Chords IV to I at the end of a phrase. (sounds like “Amen”) UNFINISHED: 1 Imperfect The last chord at the end of a phrase is V. 2. Interupted: Chords V – VI at the end of a phrase.  In a major key, chord VI is minor.

7 Literacy Insert the rest:
Performance Directions Staccato Accent Pause Legato Accent

8 Concept in the correct category
content/uploads/hotpots/i7_higher_category_quiz11.htm content/uploads/hotpots/i7_higher_category_quiz12.htm

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