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Comparing Futility and The Falling Leaves Cameron McLaren.

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Presentation on theme: "Comparing Futility and The Falling Leaves Cameron McLaren."— Presentation transcript:

1 Comparing Futility and The Falling Leaves Cameron McLaren

2 Both Show Honour To The Soldiers… Futility Move him into the sun – Gently its touch awoke him once. The Falling Leaves But in their beauty strewed Sounds almost like a gesture you would do for an old friend who fell asleep on a hot summers day. Use of the word Gently shows feelings of love and honour. Could be talking about the beauty of what they were doing for their country rather than the obvious. Means Carelessly scattered. Shows that she thinks it was a waste of life to allow them to get killed so easily.

3 In Both Poems, The Subject Seems To Change Right In The Middle… I Think that both poets have chosen to do this because it allows the reader to get a good idea of the context of the poem before the real topic is introduced.

4 Both Poems Talk About Clay… I think that both poems have done a similar thing in their use of this word. I think it has been used to imply dried blood instead of real clay. I think both poets have done this to make it obvious that the blood, unlike the clay, should not be there.

5 Both Poems Start With A Casual- Sounding Line… Futility Move him into the sun – The Falling Leaves Today, as I rode by, I think that both poets have chosen to do this because it allows the reader to start off the poem on a soft tone rather than being hit by the full effect of the main subject as soon as they start to read. It also lends a softer tone to the overall poem which increases the impact of the subject because it is so different to the rest of the poem.

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