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Marija Mokorić and Lovro Kalin

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1 Analysis of atmospheric circulation changes over the Adriatic coast in warm period 1981-2010.
Marija Mokorić and Lovro Kalin Meteorological and Hydrological Service of Croatia 12th EMS Annual Meeting & 9th European Conference on Applied Climatology, Łódź, Poland

2 outline introduction analysis conclusions and future work
Croatia: summer months climate conditions recent changes analysis weather types (upper atmosphere) conclusions and future work 12th EMS Annual Meeting & 9th European Conference on Applied Climatology, Łódź, Poland

3 introduction In the last decade it was observed that the period of relative dry weather has been extended to July, and to the end of August and September more frequent months with less precipitation and higher air temperature, compared to climatological average longer firefighting season 12th EMS Annual Meeting & 9th European Conference on Applied Climatology, Łódź, Poland

4 introduction a large number of fires appeared in period 2001-2010
not only on the coast, but for the first time in the mountain region since 2005 the most dangerous fires appeared at the end of August and first part of September, when the extreme fires are not so common 12th EMS Annual Meeting & 9th European Conference on Applied Climatology, Łódź, Poland

5 weather types to find a possible explanation of such behaviour, an analysis of the upper atmosphere circulation was done for period fires are connected with weather types and atmospheric circulation mean monthly circulation AT 500 hPa (~5.5 km) on the Northern hemisphere (Deutsche Wetterdienst) period for June, July, August and September the weather pattern typing is done manually 12th EMS Annual Meeting & 9th European Conference on Applied Climatology, Łódź, Poland

6 weather types DRY WET eight main atmospheric circulation patterns
Bischoff and Vargas (2003): upper cyclone CY upper through TR front side of upper through (south-west str.) SW west-stream W back side of upper through (north-west str.) NW upper atmospheric ridge R non-gradient field NG front side of the ridge FR DRY WET 12th EMS Annual Meeting & 9th European Conference on Applied Climatology, Łódź, Poland

7 back side of the trough (NW stream)
source: Deutscher Wetterdienst 12th EMS Annual Meeting & 9th European Conference on Applied Climatology, Łódź, Poland

8 source: Deutscher Wetterdienst
front side of the ridge source: Deutscher Wetterdienst 12th EMS Annual Meeting & 9th European Conference on Applied Climatology, Łódź, Poland

9 source: Deutscher Wetterdienst
upper ridge source: Deutscher Wetterdienst 12th EMS Annual Meeting & 9th European Conference on Applied Climatology, Łódź, Poland

10 source: Deutscher Wetterdienst
non-gradient field source: Deutscher Wetterdienst 12th EMS Annual Meeting & 9th European Conference on Applied Climatology, Łódź, Poland

11 source: Deutscher Wetterdienst
west stream source: Deutscher Wetterdienst 12th EMS Annual Meeting & 9th European Conference on Applied Climatology, Łódź, Poland

12 front side of the trough (SW stream)
source: Deutscher Wetterdienst 12th EMS Annual Meeting & 9th European Conference on Applied Climatology, Łódź, Poland

13 source: Deutscher Wetterdienst
upper trough source: Deutscher Wetterdienst 12th EMS Annual Meeting & 9th European Conference on Applied Climatology, Łódź, Poland

14 source: Deutscher Wetterdienst
upper cyclone source: Deutscher Wetterdienst 12th EMS Annual Meeting & 9th European Conference on Applied Climatology, Łódź, Poland

15 summer - autumn at the beggining of autumn, weather conditions change
12th EMS Annual Meeting & 9th European Conference on Applied Climatology, Łódź, Poland

16 in 2000’s occurence of ‘dry’ weather types (NG, NW) has increased
June... 80’s TR NW W SW 90’s NG R 00’s FR in 2000’s occurence of ‘dry’ weather types (NG, NW) has increased 12th EMS Annual Meeting & 9th European Conference on Applied Climatology, Łódź, Poland

17 since 2005, occurence of ‘dry’ weather types (NG, NW) has increased
September... 80’s W NG NW SW R TR 90’s 00’s since 2005, occurence of ‘dry’ weather types (NG, NW) has increased 12th EMS Annual Meeting & 9th European Conference on Applied Climatology, Łódź, Poland

18 conclusions in July and August no significant change is observed
since 2005, in June and September occurence of ‘dry’ weather types (NG, R) has increased hot and dry season has expanded matches well with fire-fighter’s experience 12th EMS Annual Meeting & 9th European Conference on Applied Climatology, Łódź, Poland

19 future work go into more detailed analysis
spatial (northern and southern Adriatic) temporal (order of weeks, days...) 12th EMS Annual Meeting & 9th European Conference on Applied Climatology, Łódź, Poland

20 references Bischoff S. A. and Vargas W. M. (2003): The 500 and 1000 hPa weather type circulations and their relationship with some extreme climatic conditions over southern South America. Internationa Journal of Climatology, 23, Lončar, E. and Bajić, A. (1993): Weather types in Croatia (in Croatian). Croatian Meteorological Journal, 29, 31-45 Mokorić, M (1998): The Weather Types on Adriatic Coast of Croatia during the Season of Forest Fire Protection, Proceedings of III International Conference on Forest Fire Research, Coimbra-Luso, 1, ; 12th EMS Annual Meeting & 9th European Conference on Applied Climatology, Łódź, Poland

21 Thank you for your attention!
12th EMS Annual Meeting & 9th European Conference on Applied Climatology, Łódź, Poland

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