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Winter Fete Pupils Week! Stefano Alex We welcome all donations for

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1 Winter Fete Pupils Week! Stefano Alex We welcome all donations for
Newsletter 2nd November 2018 Pupil attendance this week: 91.49% Dear Parents, Welcome back we all hope you had an enjoyable half term. All classes are continuing to work towards each pupils targets and are all progressing well. This is a very festive half term and many exciting activities will be coming up and I am looking forward to seeing you all at school. A quick reminder after school club will start up again this Tuesday. Have a wonderful weekend! From Mary Bickmore DIARY DATES: After School Club: 6th November 'WEAR YOUR PYJAMAS TO SCHOOL DAY‘ 16th November Winter fete 6th December Winter play ‘The Apprentice’ 13th December . 'WEAR YOUR PYJAMAS TO SCHOOL DAY' All staff and children are invited to wear their pyjamas for a small donation of £1. During that day each class will have a 'midnight feast‘ and enjoy bedtime stories . A fun day and raising money for a very worthy charity. Winter Fete We welcome all donations for the winter fete. Suggestions for donations: unwanted gifts, sweets, chocolate, soaps or bottles. Thank you all for your support! Pupils of the Week! Stefano For settling well into his new class Alex For always willingly help his friends We welcome a specialist member to our team Donna Boygle. More information below in the parents page about the support she will offer.

2 Staff Member Week! Note From Our Head Boy and Head Girl
Thank you for all the donations of empty water bottles. Aspen class have been painting them ready for Remembrance day. . Saplings Class have had another busy week. One of the highlights of our week is when Sophie comes in to do music therapy. Everyone in Saplings Class loves this time. Thank you Sophie Elder tree have been looking at 'China' in our religion and culture topic. We got creative making our own Chinese lanterns. . Pine class have enjoyed listening to different fairy tales and making a big bad wolf. Our book in Willow class this week is 'The three little pigs'. We have been making pig masks so that we can pretend to be the little pigs. We have also been retelling the story using our small world role play. Linden class have had fun investigating different shapes in maths this week. Staff Member of the Week! ‘Ben’ For always supporting both pupils and staff and ensuring each and every pupil who he works with goes home with a smile on their face.

3 Parents Page Supporting Our Pupils
My name is Donna Boygle and I am a paediatric occupational therapist and sensory integration practitioner. I have worked for the NHS for 8 years before setting up my private service in Southend on sea.  I have worked within children development centres, special schools and support children in mainstream and families within the home. I will be working at Dycorts supporting staff and the children in understanding the sensory needs of the children and how to support self regulation and achieve a calm alert state for learning. Each child is unique and will have differing needs but together we can work as a team to enable children at Dycorts to achieve their full potential.  I look forward to working with you.  Donna Boygle. Paediatric Occupational Therapist Advanced sensory integration practitioner. 

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