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Adductor Canal Hunter’s Canal Subsartorial Canal

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1 Adductor Canal Hunter’s Canal Subsartorial Canal

2 Definition A gutter shaped groove Between vastus medialis and the front of the adductor muscles, Below the apex of the femoral triangle The roof is by a fascia which contains subsartorial plexus Content : the femoral artery, the femoral vein,the saphenous nerve, the nerve to vastus vastus medialis The sartorius muscle lies on the fascial roof

3 The floor Adductor longus and adductor magnus muscles lie in of the canal Hiatus of the adductor magnus muscle The femoral artery leaves the adductor canal through the hiatus in the adductor magnus muscle and enters the popliteal fossa and the femoral vein enters the adductor canal from the popliteal fossa




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