Ethics – Religion Peace and Conflict

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Presentation on theme: "Ethics – Religion Peace and Conflict"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ethics – Religion Peace and Conflict
Examples of social injustice Beliefs about reconciliation Teaching or example Terrorism: Christian views towards terrorism: Beliefs about peace Bible Teaching Christian beliefs about God being just and fair Bible Teaching: Christian views on violent protest Bible Teaching Beliefs about justice in society Bible Teaching Why Might Christians protest against social injustice? How might the protest against social injustice Examples of peaceful protest Christian Beliefs about forgiveness: Bible Teaching:

2 Ethics – Religion, Peace and Conflict
Liberation Theology Bible Teaching: Holy War Bible Teaching What is a Just War? Just War Theory Case Study Pacifism Bible Teachings to support pacifism Quakers beliefs on pacifism: Liberation Theology Case Study Weapons of mass destruction - Christian Peacemakers Christian views towards WMD Does Religion cause war?

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