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20-24 April 2015, Noumea, New Caledonia

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Presentation on theme: "20-24 April 2015, Noumea, New Caledonia"— Presentation transcript:

1 20-24 April 2015, Noumea, New Caledonia
Coverage Use of the ERecap tool 20-24 April 2015, Noumea, New Caledonia

2 Good fishing decisions
A 3-step process Assess what is happening out there, aka the reality Generate meaningful indicators Make short and long term decisions

3 What is the reality? What is really happening in your EEZ
Mandatory to have good statistics Usually different than what you think Can be approached using the right tools Should be checked regularly, it may evolve

4 What is the reality? You know, but are you sure?
You know the color of that dress You know what is happening in your EEZ But are you right? How can you be sure?

5 What is the reality? Is simply asking enough?
“Are you sure you provided me all your logsheets?” How much is enough to be sure So, White & Gold or Blue & Black?

6 What is the reality?

7 What is the reality? Use the right tool

8 ERecap in a nutshell The right tool for logsheets
Secured web application Compare VMS and logsheet data Generate missing logsheet list Generate coverage rate and raised catches

9 ERecap in use Chasing missing logsheets Filter the data
Generate and export the list of missing logsheet Request them to fishing companies Process them Get one step closer to the reality

10 1 3 2

11 Good fishing decisions
A 3-step process Assess what is happening out there, aka the reality Generate meaningful indicators Make short and long term decisions

12 ERecap in use Generate indicators Filter the data
Generate coverage rates Generate raised catches The better the coverage, the closer to the reality

13 ERecap in use Coverage rates by fleet

14 ERecap in use 1 2 Raised catches
Generated by fleet for each target species The more logsheet, the closer to reality

15 Good fishing decisions
A 3-step process Assess what is happening out there, aka the reality Generate meaningful indicators Make short and long term decisions

16 Example of decisions Based on the reality displayed in ERecap
Prevent vessels from renewing their license Remind fishing companies about licensing obligations Focus attention on a particular fleet Change legislation if not severe enough

17 Conclusion Each form processed is getting you a step closer to reality
Use ERecap extensively Chase the missing logsheets Base your decisions on reality

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