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50th Anniversary: Fair Housing Act & Housing Rights Center's Fight against HOUSING Discrimination in L.A. Chancela Al-Mansour Executive Director, Housing.

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Presentation on theme: "50th Anniversary: Fair Housing Act & Housing Rights Center's Fight against HOUSING Discrimination in L.A. Chancela Al-Mansour Executive Director, Housing."— Presentation transcript:

1 50th Anniversary: Fair Housing Act & Housing Rights Center's Fight against HOUSING Discrimination in L.A. Chancela Al-Mansour Executive Director, Housing Rights Center Public Legal Services Fair Los Angeles Law Library October 27, 2018

2 Nation’s largest non-profit civil rights organization dedicated to securing and promoting fair housing HRC was founded in 1968, the same year Congress passed the Fair Housing Act Over the past ten years, HRC has assisted more than 250,000 residents throughout Los Angeles and Ventura Counties Languages: English, Spanish, Korean, Mandarin, Cantonese, Cambodian, Vietnamese, Armenian, Russian and American Sign Language (ASL)

3 Fair Housing Enforcement
Programs & Services Counseling & Outreach Fair Housing Enforcement Discrimination Complaint Investigation Litigation & Advocacy Landlord-Tenant Counseling Outreach & Public Education Free monthly rental listing

4 Federal Laws 11866 1964 1973 1975 1968 1 1988 First Civil Rights Act
Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1973 Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act 1975 Age Discrimination Act 1968 Federal Fair Housing Act (FHA) 1 1988 Fair Housing Amendment Act (FHAA) ©2018

5 California Laws 1959 1963 1968 1980 1994 Unruh Civil Rights Act
Rumford Fair Housing Act 1964: Proposition 14 1967: Reitman v. Mulkey (U.S. Supreme Court) 1968 Disabled Persons Act 1980 Fair Housing and Employment Act (FEHA) 1994 Made substantially equivalent with Federal Fair Housing Laws ©2018

6 California Protected Classes
Marital Status Sexual Orientation Age Ancestry Medical Condition Genetic Information Gender Gender Identity Gender Expression Source of Income Citizenship Primary Language Immigration Status Other California Protections: Arbitrary Discrimination Perception Association ©2018




10 Fair Housing Laws Apply to:
Housing Transactions Renting Buying Lending Prospective home seekers Residential Dwellings Apartments Condos Houses Duplexes Residential Motels Transitional Shelters Mobilehome Parks Vacant Lots

11 Sorry, nothing is available.
Prohibited practices Refusal to sell or rent housing Discrimination based on association Refusal to negotiate for the sale or rental of housing Threats, intimidation, harassment Saying that housing is unavailable when it actually is available Steering Discriminatory statements or advertising Applying different terms or rules Refusal to grant a reasonable accommodation and/or modification for a person with a disability. Otherwise making housing unavailable Sorry, nothing is available.

12 Common Reasonable Accommodations & Modifications
Changing rent due date Service and companion/therapy animals Parking space Transfer units Ending tenancy early or extending vacate date Live-in caregivers Repair elevator in operable condition Rescind notice to terminate tenancy/dismiss UD Modifications Wheelchair ramp Grab bars in bathroom Lowering countertops Carpet removal

13 Gentrification/Displacement - how we Got here
1. Government mandated segregation - yes, even in Los Angeles 2. Restrictive Covenants 3. Predatory Lending 4. Redlining: U.S. backed private lending only to non redlined neighborhoods which were Anglo-Saxon Caucasian. Home improvement loans also only went to those neighborhoods. This led to the dilapidation and blight in black and brown neighborhoods which were often in urban areas near downtowns. Created under valued housing prices. The following maps show how the actions of the U.S. government created the displacement that many of our communities are experiencing today - in addition to the overwhelming disparity of wealth between white and black/brown households. 5. Discrimination in Rental Housing




17 Contact HRC! PLEASE CALL (800) OR VISIT OUR WEBSITE hrc_la Housing Rights Center

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