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Note Taking AP Human Geography.

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Presentation on theme: "Note Taking AP Human Geography."— Presentation transcript:

1 Note Taking AP Human Geography

2 Organization Keep notes in one place Date and number pages
Every day should have a topic heading

3 During Lecture Use a method: “Cornell” is a proven method for high schools and colleges. Get the main points Leave space in your notes Organize as you write Key in to repetition and emphasis Jot down key vocabulary and important facts Write down examples even if obvious Identify Main points and 1. supporting points Ask Questions!

4 After Class Review notes the day of Review all unit notes weekly
Fill in incomplete thoughts Highlight and underline Write down questions on left page to ask Quiz yourself over the main points

5 Other Tips Look over previous notes before class - continuity
Good notes takes practice, practice, practice It is proven that successful college students do not “cram” the night before. They follow a process as they learn the material. Review, Review, Review is key Procrastination kills success

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