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Riley Miniken, Avery Escobar, Zia Khan, Kaylee B.

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Presentation on theme: "Riley Miniken, Avery Escobar, Zia Khan, Kaylee B."— Presentation transcript:

1 Riley Miniken, Avery Escobar, Zia Khan, Kaylee B.
The Battles of Isonzo Riley Miniken, Avery Escobar, Zia Khan, Kaylee B.

2 Thesis In The Battle of Isonzo, the Austro-Hungarians were assisted by the Germans in a fight against the Italians, resulting in the subsequent victory of the Central Powers.

3 Background Fought between the Austro-Hungarian Empire and Italy
Fought in Northern Italy next to the Isonzo River The river flooded often, and was directly next to a mountain region Casualties on the Italian side were 300,000, and 200,000 on the Austro-Hungarian side . Italian commander was Luigi Cadorna. Austro-Hungarian commanders were Svetozar Boroevic and Arz von Straussenberg . Trench warfare and gas weapons were used on both sides of the war.

4 1st Battle Fought from June 23rd to July 7, 1915
Cadorna intended to spring surprise attacks across the Isonzo as soon as war began Austro-Hungarian foe, suspecting something of the kind, fortified the mountain passes against likely attack. In the preparation of trenches and defensive lines the Austro-Hungarians had a year's head start, having been in a state of war since late-July 1914. As soon as war was announced Cadorna initiated his surprise offensive. Launched in distinct areas at points along the Italian Front (and not just along the Isonzo river) the series of attacks were designed to advance the Italian army's position.

5 6th Battle This battle was from August 6 to August 17, 1916.
Often called the Battle of Gorizia This was the first battle that the Italians had a remarkable success in. The Italians lost 51,000 in this battle alone. The Austro-Hungarians lost 40,000 in this battle.

6 11th Battle Fought from August 19 to September 12, 1917.
This battle was launched by the Italians. The Italians advanced ten kilometers, which was so far that their supply lines could not reach the troops any longer. This resulted in the Italians becoming unable to advance any further onto the opponent’s territory. This marked the last time Italy attacked Austro-Hungary on the Isonzo River.

7 12th Battle Often called the Battle of Caporetto
Lasted from October 24 to November 7, 1917 This battle was a surprise attack by the Germans and Austro-Hungarians on the Italians. Caporetto marked the first time that the Germans had been determined to provide assistance to their Austro-Hungarian allies on the Italian front. The Italians had a large fear of the Germans, so they cancelled their plans to attack the other side, and focused on defense. At this point in the war, the French and British each sent a few troops to the aid of Italy The war ended after Caporetto because both the Austro-Hungarians and the French did not have enough men to continue fighting.

8 Works Cited

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