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The Big Bang Theory.

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1 The Big Bang Theory

2 Time Begins The universe begins about 13.7 Billion years ago
The universe begins as a tiny point that expands like an explosion. But this is an explosion of space, time, and energy.

3 3 Minutes after the Big Bang
The universe has grown from the size of an atom to the size a grapefruit. E=mc2 This means that matter and energy are really the same thing. Some of the energy from the Big Bang clumps together to form matter: protons, neutrons, and electrons. These are the components of atoms.

4 300 000 Years after the Big Bang
Protons, neutrons and electrons combine to form the two smallest atoms. The early Universe was about 75% Hydrogen and 25% Helium. It is still almost the same today.

5 300 million years after the Big Bang
Gravity pulls the matter of the universe together to form stars and galaxies.

6 9.3 Billion Years after the Big Bang
Our Solar System Forms

7 4.6 Billion Years Later We were born

8 Evidence for the Big Bang from Your Posters
Galaxies CMB Hubble’s Law Atoms

9 Galaxies Galaxies are huge objects made of billions of stars.
They are evidence of the Big Bang because they were different in the distant past, showing how the universe has changed since its beginning

10 Cosmic Microwave Background
Microwaves, radio waves, X-rays, and the colors of the rainbow are all light, and they are only different because they carry different amounts of energy. We think that the CMB is the Big Bang, after billions of years of cooling.

11 Hubble’s Law Hubble’s Law is the relationship between distance and recessional speed. He realized that the universe was expanding and that he could determine the age of the universe from this data.

12 Big Bang Nucleosynthesis
Nucleosynthesis is the clumping together of protons, neutrons and electrons to form atoms. The Big Bang predicts that these atoms should make most of the universe, and they do.

13 The Future Will the universe continue to expand forever, or will it collapse into itself in a Big Crunch? Our best evidence today indicates that the expansion of the universe is accelerating and will never stop.

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