Pronunciation practice.

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1 Pronunciation practice

2 Silence Is Literally Golden!
Thomas Edison was a great American inventor. This is a true story about how silence really paid off for him. He invented a new ticker, the Western Union Company wanted to purchase it. Edison didn’t know how much to ask. He requested several days to think about the selling price. Thomas and Mrs. Edison discussed Western Union’s offer. Mrs. Edison suggested that he ask twenty thousand dollars ($20,000) . He was stunned by this staggering price but accepted his wife’s advice. When the Western Union officer asked Mr. Edison, “What price have you decided to ask?” Mr. Edison started to state $20,000, but the amount got stuck on his tongue. He stood there speechless. The Western Union negotiator became impatient with Mr. Edison’s silence and asked, “Will you accept one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000)?” So, as you can see, silence can be golden!

3 Julius Ceasar Julius Caesar is one of the most famous leaders in history. He became master of Italy because of his skills as soldier and statesman. His zeal and wisdom brought positive changes. He reorganized the government and raised the status of the poor. But he was stabbed to death by his enemies Brutus and Cassius. Shakespeare said in his play about Julius Caesar, “Men at some time are masters of their fates: The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in ourselves, that we are underlings.

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