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Structural Equation Modeling

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1 Structural Equation Modeling
Natasha Hudek and Stephanie Rattelade

2 Other Names for SEM Causal modeling Causal analysis
Simultaneous equation modeling Analysis of covariance structures Path analysis Confirmatory factor analysis

3 Structural Equation Modeling
Confirmatory Approach Combines Factor Analysis and multiple regression Data = Model + Residual Path Diagram – a visual representation of the variables and their relationships

4 Key Terms Latent Variable – cannot be observed and is not measured directly Observed Variable - measurable variables Exogenous – causes changes in other variables Endogenous – dependent and mediating variables Parameters – the relationships between each variable to be estimated

5 Relationships between Variables
Association – a relationship between two variables that is nondirectional Direct Effect – a directional relationship between two variables Indirect Effect – effect of an exogenous variable on a endogenous variable through a mediating variable Total effect – the sum of direct and indirect effects on a variable

6 Path Diagram 1 E1 E2 1 1 SAT School Success Income Education 1 E3

7 Path Diagram Legend Circles/Elipses: Latent variables/factors (not directly measured) and error terms Rectangles/Squares: Observed variables (measured) Lines indicate relationships between variables

8 Path Diagram Legend Single arrow: directional relationship between an IV and DV Double arrow: unanalysed relationship/covariance between 2 variables Also represents variable’s variance Stars indicate free parameters, numbers represet fixed parameters

9 Model Components Measurement model – shows the relationships between observed and latent variables Structural model – the relationships between latent variables Recursive model – unidirectional links between variables Nonrecursive model – reciprocal links between variables

10 Models First-Order Factor Model Second-Order Factor Model

11 When to Use SEM 1 + IVs and 1 + DVs
IVs and DVs can be continuous or discrete, latent or observed Combines factor analysis and multiple regression Must have a hypothesis, SEM is confirmatory, not exploratory

12 When to Use SEM Testing a model: How well does the model fit the data?
Testing a theory: Which model/theory fits the data better? Variances and reliabilities: Amount of variance in the DVs accounted for by the IVs Reliability of observed/measured variables Parameter estimates: What is the coefficient predicting one DV from one IV

13 When to Use SEM Mediating/moderating relationships
Group differences in model fit: Does the model fit 2 or more groups? Differences across time: Longitudinal differences within and between people Latent Growth Curve Modeling Nested models: IVs predict DVs at various levels of multilevel models

14 Assumptions Large sample size No missing data Multivariate normality
No outliers Linearity (among observed variables) No multicollinearity and singularity Residuals should be small and their covariances should be symmetrical

15 Note on Covariance Algebra
Covariance algebra can be used to solve SEM models Each DV has it’s own equation Several steps are required in the calculation of each covariance For complex models, these calculations become time consuming

16 Step 1: Specification 1 E2 E1 1 1 SAT (V2) School Success (F1)
Income (V1) Education (V3) 1 E3

17 Step 1: Specification Relationships defined in the model are converted into equations/matrices to be estimated Bentler-Weeks method uses every variable in the model as an IV or DV, and estimates: Regression coefficients, and Variances and covariances of IVs

18 Step 1: Specification Regression coefficients: h = bh + gx
Where, for example, h = a 3x1 vector, b = a 3x3 matrix, g = a 3x4 matrix, and x = a 4x1 vector, so h = b h g x = Ex: v2 = 0v2 + 0v3 + *f1 + 0v1 + 0e1 + 1e2 + 0e3, so v2 =*f1 + e2

19 Step 1: Specification Variances and covariances of the IVs:
f = a 4x4 matrix f =

20 Step 2: Estimation Population parameters are estimated to produce a covariance matrix for the model Start values are used to make initial guesses at the coefficients and variances to be estimated For example: = , = , =

21 Step 2: Estimation Observed/measured variables are extracted from the full parameter matrices using a selection matrix (G): For observed DVs: Y = Gy*h = For observed IVs: X = Gx*x = v1 Rewriting the regression equation to express the DVs as a linear combination of IVs, we get: h = (I – b)-1gx

22 Step 2: Estimation Using the formula
We get the covariance matrix between the DVs For example: =

23 Step 2: Estimation Using the formula
We get the covariance matrix between the IVs and DVs For example: =

24 Step 2: Estimation Using the formula
We get the covariance matrix between the IVs and For example: =

25 Step 2: Estimation We then combine , , and to get an initial covariance matrix = This is what we get after one iteration Iterations continue until the function converges, and a solution is reached Our example took 12 iterations

26 Step 2: Estimation The final estimated parameters for the example are:
= , = , = And the final estimated population covariance matrix is: = The final residual matrix, where S is the sample covariance matrix, is: S =

27 Step 2: Estimation 1 391.84 E1 E2 1 1 SAT (V2) School Success (F1)
20.49 2.56 Income (V1) .35 Education (V3) .14 1 E3

28 Step 3: Evaluation Model “fit” is evaluated using c2
In the example, convergence occurred at c2 = 0.47 Can also compute c2 from, c2 = i(n-1), where I is the minimum value obtained by convergence, and n is sample size Sample size affects c2 value

29 Step 3: Evaluation To get degrees of freedom, So, df = 6 – 5 = 1
df = # data points - # parameters to be estimated # data points = v(v+1)/2 = 3(3+1)/2 = 6, where v is # of measured variables So, df = 6 – 5 = 1 c2 (1) = .47, p = .49

30 Step 3: Evaluation Since our model fist the data well, we can look at individual relationships Converting our 3 estimated regression parameters to z-scores: Income  School Success = .347/.150 = 2.31, p = .02 School Success  SAT = /5.093 = 4.11, p = .000 School Success  Education = .143/.023 = 6.22, p = .000

31 Step 4: Modification If you are happy with the evaluation results, you can leave your model as is. If your c2 test proves significant, you may want to make revisions to your model and compare the old and new models This is also done when testing a new theory versus a previous theory



34 Creating a Path Diagram

35 Adding Parameters

36 Running the Output

37 Testing Models Default Model – model to be tested
Independence model – goodness-of-fit tested at 0 Saturated model – goodness-of-fit tested at 1

38 Unstandardized Outputs

39 Standardized Outputs

40 Outputs

41 Outputs

42 Variance-Covariance Matrix of Sample

43 Model Fit Summary

44 Interpretation We can conclude that our hypothesized model fits the data Next Steps: Identify areas of misfit Modify model relationships and retest

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