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Chapter 4 “The American Revolution”

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1 Chapter 4 “The American Revolution”
Section 1 “Causes of the Revolution” Red Book Pages

2 Vocabulary Stamp Act John Adams Patrick Henry Sons of Liberty
Nonimportation agreement Boston Massacre Committee of Correspondence Boston Tea Party

3 Vocabulary Intolerable Acts First Continental Congress

4 (Red Book) Homework: Copy & Answer reading Check Questions page 98-105
1) How did colonial governments differ from the British governments?

5 (Red Book) Homework: Copy & Answer reading Check Questions page 98-105
2) Why did the British impose new taxes on the colonies?

6 (Red Book) Homework: Copy & Answer reading Check Questions page 98-105
3) What three tactics did colonists use to protest British taxes?

7 (Red Book) Homework: Copy & Answer reading Check Questions page 98-105
4) How did tensions between the colonists and Britain escalate after 1767?

8 (Red Book) Homework: Copy & Answer reading Check Questions page 98-105
5) How did the Coercive Acts lad to colonial unity?

9 Discussion Questions (Blue Book)

10 Review Prepare your Response Cards

11 American colonists valued which British principle of government?
A) the tradition of a monarchy B) the right to representation C) the freedom to protest D) the influence of an aristocratic

12 What was one effect of new British taxes on colonists?
A) More people in the colonies feared that war might break out. B) Colonists supported the taxes. C) Outraged colonists protested the new taxes. D) The British lessened other duties to balance the taxes.

13 Which of the following groups led violent protests against British taxation in the Colonies?
A) Sons of Liberty B) Virginia House of Burgesses C) Parliament D) Daughters of Liberty

14 Which of the following resulted from the First Continental Congress?
A) Rioting destroyed shops and homes B) More colonists became politically active. C) The colonies won independence from Britain D) Parliament passed more oppressive tax laws.

15 True/False By modern standards, the British system was far from democratic. To those in power, democracy seemed dangerous in a society where people inherited wildly unequal property and status.

16 True/False The Colonists accepted the Stamp Act.

17 True/False Local committees enforced these nonimportation agreements, which threatened British merchants and manufacturers with economic ruin.

18 True/False Women played an unimportant economic role in the boycotts.

19 True/False The Intolerable Acts were in response to the Boston Massacre.

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