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One of the keys to personal freedom is making a decent income (US Census Bureau Data/Median Incomes) I didnt graduate high school: $21,000/year I graduated.

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2 One of the keys to personal freedom is making a decent income (US Census Bureau Data/Median Incomes) I didnt graduate high school: $21,000/year I graduated high school only: $30,800/year I just received an associate degree: $37,600/year I just received a bachelors degree: $49,900/year I just received a masters degree: $59,500/year I just received a doctorate degree: $79,400/year

3 Lower smoking rates: increases quality and length of life Education promotes a positive self image: confidence provides enriched life experience and mental well being Education provides lifelong learning: increases brain cells and decreases Alzheimers and other degenerative brain conditions due to age Education decreases obesity Education decreases risk of heart disease

4 Education helps to develop new interests Education promotes lifelong friends including teachers, counselors and others who assist in guiding and planning Education helps to decide a profession or field of interest; it even provides opportunities to test drive a profession

5 Technology Rights as a citizen: voting, issues, environment Reasoning skills that help in decision making, relationships, moral judgments, tolerance, reflection, and communication Education helps to walk in anothers shoes Education provides a safe place to practice skills before entering the workplace

6 Most will change careers at least four times within a lifetime The future will use technology not yet invented The future will have access to information at all times in all places The top ten in demand jobs in 2010 did not exist in 2004 By 2018 the United States will need 22 million new college degrees-but will fall short of that number by at least 3 million postsecondary degrees By 2018 the United States will need at least 4.7 million new workers with postsecondary certificates

7 Fiscal and Personal Health A Lifelong Network of Professional and Personal Friends Develops Life Skills That Can be Passed on to Family and Community

8 Commits Social Responsibility to the Future and to Future Generations Education is the Great Equalizer for Ethnic and Socio-economic conditions – it balances life Education is Fun and is a Lifestyle/The Journey is Lifelong


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