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Pandemic A/H1N1 influenza vaccination coverage in Montreal

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1 Pandemic A/H1N1 influenza vaccination coverage in Montreal
May Session?

2 Background 27 studies were identified from 11 countries and 4 population sub-groups Data collected using a survey (n=20) or vaccination registry (n=7) Coverage varied by population sub- group, country and assessment method used

3 Determinants of pandemic A/H1N1 influenza vaccination
Socioeconomic and demographics: Male gender Older age Higher education Being a doctor Regional and household characteristics: Households with children Health status and behaviours: Receiving a prior seasonal influenza vaccination Being in a priority group for which vaccination was recommended Beliefs and perceptions: Believing the vaccine to be safe Believing the vaccine to be effective Information, knowledge and advice: Obtaining information from official medical sources

4 Limitations of literature
Survey methodology: Many biases: Selection bias Poor recall Reliance on self-report Vaccination registry: Inconsistent methods used to estimate the denominator Regional heterogeneity was observed but not explained

5 Objectives To describe pandemic A/H1N1 influenza vaccination coverage in Montreal overall and by sex, age group, priority group, and neighbourhood To identify the neighbourhood socioeconomic and demographic characteristics that are associated with pandemic A/H1N1 influenza vaccination coverage in Montreal among priority groups

6 Methods Numerator Data: Vaccination data from INSPQ
Individual-level vaccination and self-reported demographic data collected during the vaccination campaign Denominator Data: Publicly available census and survey data 2006 Census populations counts 1998/1999 NPHS QC and 2007/2008 CCHS MTL: Prevalence of chronic conditions by age group applied to census data 2009 ISQ MTL: Birth rate by age group of mother applied to census data and adjusted for multiple births and average pregnancy length Data analysis: Calculated vaccination coverage overall and by sex, age group, priority, and neighbourhood Quasi-Poisson regression model to identify the neighbourhood socioeconomic and demographic determinants of pandemic influenza vaccination

7 Vaccinations in Montreal



10 Cumulative vaccination coverage over time for populations sub-groups
Priority groups Age groups


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