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1 Causes

2 Absolutism The exercise of complete and unrestricted power of government

3 CAUSES OF Absolutism

4 Growth in trade The growth in trade caused merchants and industrialists to want peace in order to carry out business without any worries. Absolute monarchs were able to provide these people with the help they needed.

5 Feudalism declined The growth of trade allowed people to be able to survive outside of the manor. Also, the development of gunpowder allowed monarchs to raise armies more easily. This allowed them to become more powerful the feudalistic lords and nobles.

6 Rise of Cities The growth of trade and the decline of Feudalism caused people to find new places to make a living. This lead to urbanization and the rise of cities.

7 Renaissance and Reformation
The Renaissance caused people to read and study classic literature where many discovered the peace and prosperity the Romans achieved under the autocratic(absolute) rule of one person. The Reformation hurt the reputation of the Roman Catholic Church and in a number of countries the king became the head of the church.

8 “It is better to be feared than loved”

9 Decline in Church Power
The decline of the papacy(the office or authority of the pope) after the Protestant Reformation severely weakened the power of the Catholic church. This caused monarchs to adopt the policy of Divine Right*. Had the Papacy maintained its dominant position, absolute monarchies would not have grown in Europe.

10 Nationalism and Patriotism
Nationalism and patriotism grew as a result of the renaissance. Writers such as Thomas Hobbs and Niccolo Machiavelli convinced people that absolute monarchs were good for society. People were willing to extend full support to the rulers who could provide a position of pride to the country.

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