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Review of 1st and 2nd Declensions

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1 Review of 1st and 2nd Declensions
Aug. 31, 2012

2 Declension review!

3 Singular Plural Nom. -a -ae Gen. -ae -arum Dat. -ae -is Acc. -am -as
Abl a is 1st Declension 2nd Declension Masculine 2nd Declension Neuter Singular Plural Nom us/-er/-ir -i Gen i orum Dat o is Acc um os Abl o is Singular Plural Nom um -a Gen i orum Dat o is Acc um a Abl o is

4 Puellae – ae = puell- Puella puellae, f. girl
Dictionary entry of a noun: Puella puellae, f girl The genitive singular tells you the DECLENSION of a noun. That’s why it’s important to know! Genitive singular Meaning Nominative singular Gender Puellae – ae = puell- Noun Stem Declension

5 Name That Declension! 1st umbra, umbrae (f.) shadow
oppidum, oppidi (n.) town lupus, lupi (m.) wolf luna, lunae (f.) moon vir, viri (m.) man nasus, nasi (m.) nose mensa, mensae (f.) table 2nd (n.) 2nd (m.) 1st 2nd (m.) 2nd (m.) 1st

6 Give the CASE and NUMBER for the following forms
Give the CASE and NUMBER for the following forms. (answers on next slide) umbra oppida lupis lunarum vir naso mensa nasorum viri lupum oppidi umbram lunae mensas

7 Give the CASE and NUMBER for the following forms.
umbra oppida lupis lunarum vir naso mensa Nom. Sg. nasorum viri lupum oppidi umbram lunae mensas Gen. Pl. Nom./Acc. Pl. Gen. Sg./Nom. Pl. Dat./Abl. Pl. Acc. Sg. Gen. Pl. Gen. Sg. Nom. Sg. Acc. Sg. Dat./Abl. Sg. Gen/Dat Sg., Nom. Pl. Acc. Pl. Abl. Sg.

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