INTRODUCTION Working with chemicals has been historically viewed as a very risky task.

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2 INTRODUCTION Working with chemicals has been historically viewed as a very risky task




6 Introduction Experience shows that following safety regulations reduces the probability of accidents, including toxic exposures, to negligible levels



9 Introduction Before you begin an experiment in the lab, ask yourself, “What would happen if .. ?”

10 Your Responsibility for Accident Prevention

11 especially you...... Accident Prevention
Accident prevention is a collective responsibility that requires the full cooperation of everyone in the laboratory especially you......

12 Personal Protection Equipment (PPE)

13 Personal Protection Equipment (PPE)
Eye Protection Everyone in the laboratory, including visitors, must wear chemical splash goggles (not safety glasses or spectacles) at all times, even when not performing a chemical operation

14 Personal Protection Equipment (PPE)
Eye Protection Normal prescription eyeglasses do not provide appropriate laboratory eye protection Contact lenses cannot provide adequate protection in any environment in which an accidental chemical splash can reasonably be expected

15 Personal Protection Equipment (PPE)
Face Protection When necessary, appropriate laboratory bench shields and use face shields wide enough and long enough to protect your neck and ears must be used

16 Personal Protection Equipment (PPE)
Clothing Clothing worn in labs should offer protection from splashes and spills; be easily removable in case of accident; be at least fire resistant Non flammable, and nonporous lab aprons are better than lab coats

17 Personal Protection Equipment (PPE)
Clothing If a lab coat is used instead of an apron, it should have snap fasteners rather than buttons so it can be easily removed

18 Personal Protection Equipment (PPE)
Clothing wear shoes with uppers made of leather or polymeric leather substitute. Do not go barefoot or wear sandals. Do not wear shoes that have high heels or open toes, uppers made of cloth, woven leather strips, or other woven material.

19 Personal Protection Equipment (PPE)
Clothing Shorts, cutoffs, and miniskirts unnecessarily expose your skin to potential corrosives and are not safe. Constrain long hair and loose clothing.

20 Personal Protection Equipment (PPE)
Clothing Constrain long hair and loose clothing (e.g. شماغ).

21 Personal Protection Equipment (PPE)
Clothing Do not wear jewellery (e.g. rings, bracelets, and wristwatches ) jewellery can be damaged by chemical fumes and spills Chemical seepage in between the jewellery and skin can put corrosives in intimate contact with your skin

22 Personal Protection Equipment (PPE)
Clothing Wearing jewellery increases the risk of harmful electrical shocks if comes in contact with electrical sources jewellery also can catch on equipment, causing accidents.

23 Personal Protection Equipment (PPE)
Gloves Gloves are very important in labs Gloves come in different types and materials (e.g. latex, neoprene, butyl rubber) Use gloves correctly Always check your gloves before each use to ensure the absence of cracks and small holes


25 Personal Protection Equipment (PPE)
Gloves To avoid unintentionally spreading chemicals, remove your gloves before leaving the work area handling such things as telephones, doorknobs, writing instruments, laboratory notebooks, and textbooks

26 Personal Protection Equipment (PPE)
Gloves Be aware that no glove material can provide permanent protection If a chemical diffuses through a glove, it is then held against your skin and you could receive more exposure than if you hadn’t worn a glove at all

27 Personal Protection Equipment (PPE)
Gloves Do not reuse gloves (such gloves should be should be treated as hazardous waste)

28 Lab Safety Equipment Fire Extinguisher Safety Shower Eye Wash

29 Laboratory emergency deluge shower (safety shower)

30 Eyewash fountain

31 Fire extinguisher

32 Fire Blanket

33 Protection from toxic fume
Fume Hood


35 Lab Safety Symbols Found in your textbook
Glassware Heat Eye and Face Sharps Electrical Animal Chemical Fire

36 Other Chemical Hazards and Symbols
Flammable Explosive Toxic/Poison Irritant Corrosive Environmental

37 Chemical Hazard Symbols and Definitions
Flammable – Any substance that will burn if exposed to an open flame. Explosive – A substance that may explode if exposed to heat or flame.

38 Chemical Hazard Symbols and Definitions
Toxic/Poison – A substance that can lead to death if inhaled, ingested, or absorbed by the skin. Corrosive – A substance that can destroy or burn living tissue and can eat away at other materials.

39 Chemical Hazard Symbols and Definitions
Irritant - A substance that causes inflammation upon contact with skin or mucous membranes. Environmental - Substances that are harmful to the environment. They must be disposed of properly, not washed down the drain.

40 Laboratory Rules No eating or drinking in labs
Do not enter stockroom or back halls Clean up after yourself

41 Laboratory Etiquette Clean your personal workspace after use
Wipe down benches with disinfectant before and after use. Ensure that no trash is left behind No trash in the sinks Push in chairs

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