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Screen Time How do you manage it?.

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Presentation on theme: "Screen Time How do you manage it?."— Presentation transcript:

1 Screen Time How do you manage it?

2 Kids ages 8-18 spend an average of 7
Kids ages 8-18 spend an average of 7.5 per day using media and technology.

3 Not all screen time is the same
Not all screen time is the same. Consider these 4 things: -Connection -Critical Thinking -Creativity -Context

4 Connection: Are kids engaged in and connected with what they are playing, watching, or reading? This can open doors for more learning

5 Critical Thinking: Does the media dive deep into a topic
Critical Thinking: Does the media dive deep into a topic? Do kids have to solve problems and puzzles in the games they play? Simple games do not help children find long-lasting meaning.

6 Creativity: Can children create new content
Creativity: Can children create new content? If so, they take more ownership of their learning.

7 Context: Do the kids understand how media fits into the larger world
Context: Do the kids understand how media fits into the larger world? Be sure to have discussions about movies and games, and experience media together.

8 What is appropriate for your child
What is appropriate for your child? According to the Mayo Clinic and American Academy of Pediatrics- -No digital media except video-chatting for children under 18 months -High quality media can be used with an adult from ages months -1 hour a day for ages 2-5 -After age 5 a “one-size-fits-all” approach doesn’t work. Decide what works best for your family.

9 According to the Mayo Clinic, by age 2, children can benefit from certain types of screen time, such as programming with music, movement and stories. It shouldn't replace reading, playing or problem-solving. Watch with your child, and apply the skills in real life!

10 -Also, it's important to monitor the shows your child is watching and the games or apps he or she is playing to make sure they are appropriate. -Avoid fast-paced programming, which young children have a hard time understanding, apps with a lot of distracting content, and violent media.

11 As your child grows, keep in mind that too much or poor quality screen time has been linked to: -Obesity -Irregular sleep schedules and shorter duration of sleep -Behavioral problems -Loss of social skills -Violence -Less time for play

12 As you make screen-time rules that work for your family, remember that the quality of the media is more important than the quantity or platform. Use to look it up if you are unsure. You can find reviews and age-appropriateness ratings for movies, games, books, apps, etc.

13 Concerned about distraction. Try this
Concerned about distraction? Try this! -Get some physical distance from your phone -turn it on silent -Take breaks for tech-after a certain amount of time doing homework or chores, take 15 minutes to check technology -Try self-regulation apps -Try having no-technology dinner to connect as a family!

14 Video

15 All information for this presentation provided by: https://www
All information for this presentation provided by: and

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