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Much Ado About Nothing Summary

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1 Much Ado About Nothing Summary

2 Act 5.1 Leonato and Antonio threaten Don Pedro and Claudio
Benedick tells Don Pedro he can no longer be in his service after challenging Claudio to a duel Dogberry and Verges bring the guilty party to see Leonato The truth is revealed that Borachio and Don John slandered Hero’s name; she is innocent and Borachio feels great remorse for what he has done

3 Act 5.1 cont. Leonato not only blames Borachio but Don Pedro and Claudio for this death as well; Claudio has to pay for his actions Leonato gives him 3 deeds to fulfill: marry his niece, lay at her grave a poem honoring her and publicly apologize

4 Act 5.2 Mourning procession; Claudio weeps at Hero’s grave, puts the poem up for all to see, and publicly apologizes

5 Act 5.3 Benedick and Beatrice court each other and continue to declare their love for each other (and to be smart with each other) They think no one else is aware of their feelings for each other Ursula comes to tell them the good news that Hero is innocent and Don John is the guilty party

6 Act 5.4 A second wedding takes place
Benedick asks the Friar if he can perform another marriage (between him and Beatrice) Claudio is to marry Leonato’s “niece” but instead it is Hero (yay!)

7 Act 5.4 cont. All is well, but of course Benedick wants to speak with Beatrice Does she love him? No, she does not… But, love notes by them to the other proves they do love each other; they finally admit publicly they love each other

8 Act 5.4 cont. Everyone is happy and has made up, but Don Pedro. Benendick advises him to “get thee a wife” Don John is arrested and will be dealt with later; he ain’t talking! Everyone lives happily ever after! 

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