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021704 © 2008 SCAN Health Plan. All Rights Reserved.

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1 021704 © 2008 SCAN Health Plan. All Rights Reserved.

2 2 Goals: insight oFoster insight into the life of an older adult oSensitize oSensitize participants to the concerns and perspectives of older adults understanding oEncourage understanding of the challenges and dilemmas encountered by older adults

3 3 What we know about AGING oIt occurs at different rates oExperience more losses in a shorter period of time oIt increases susceptibility to many conditions People over 65 are a diverse group

4 4 Meet a Few SCAN Centenarians!!

5 5 At 86, Great-Grandmother Marjorie Newlin Marjorie Newlin pumps iron

6 6 Appearances can be deceiving

7 7 What is our point? Seniors today are a lot different than they were just a generation ago. Like the rest of us, they want to remain active and involved, independent and self-reliant as much as their health permits. Most of all, seniors want to be relevant.

8 8 Right Now… Age Wave dramatic The Age Wave is ushering in a dramatic shift in the population of individuals age 65 and older Art sculpture crafted by SCAN member Daniel Gluck, 72

9 9 Fast Facts Older Adult Fast Facts The population of 65+ will increase by 15 million in 10 years, from 40 million in 2010 to 55 million in 2020 The population of 85+ will increase from 5.7 million in 2010 to 6.6 million in 2020

10 10 Aging in Arizona In 2008 13% of Arizonans were 65+ 8.7% lived below the poverty level By 2020 older Arizonans will make up 1/4 of our population By 2020 Arizonas 85+ population will increase by 141%

11 11 oOlder adults experience a succession of losses, both gradual and sudden oMore than 1/2 of all Americans 65+ have some type of disability; 1/3 of those 65+ have severe disabilities General Facts Falls affect 1/3 of Americans 60+

12 12 oHospital admits due to adverse drug reactions are 6 times greater than the general population oEighty percent of people who are 65 and older live with at least one chronic disease oDepression recurrence rates are as high as 40% General Health Facts

13 13 Trading Ages As we age there are changes, both physical and cognitive, and experiences that we all share. Today, we are going to focus on walking in the shoes of seniors in order to gain a better understanding and perspective on what it means to experience aging.

14 Hearing Experience

15 15 Types of Hearing Loss Sensorineural Loss Sound waves reach the inner ear, but arent transmitted to the brain Conductive Sound waves are not transmitted to inner ear and are perceived as muffled or faint P resbycusis Loss of high frequency sounds (most common)

16 The Unfair Hearing Test

17 17 Hearing Loss Tips o Do not cover your mouth o Speak at normal rate, lower pitch, enunciate Reduce background noise o Reduce background noise o Reword if necessary What You Can Do o Get persons attention o Ask if you are clearly heard o Face the individual. Speak slightly louder, but dont shout

18 Vision Experience

19 19 Common Changes in Vision Decrease in… oability to judge distances oability to discriminate between certain colors oability to function in low light levels and adapt to darkness oability to adapt to glare osharpness of vision (especially details and fine print)

20 20 Medical Conditions of the Eye Macular Degeneration Cataracts Diabetic Retinopathy Glaucoma

21 21

22 22 Helpful Tips-Vision Well lit, glare free Well lit, glare free waiting areas, hallways, and rooms. Clearly stated instructions Environment -- Color contrast for doorway/walls -- Mark the edge of steps -- Directional signs with large type

23 Disability Experience

24 Memory Experience

25 25 Betty CatherineHelen Edward James William

26 4 52 3 6 1 Helen Edward Betty Catherine James

27 27 What You Can Do Communication with Confused Older Adults o Get their attention-eye/touch oIdentify yourself-use older persons name frequently oBe clear about expectations-specific/short oGive feeling you assume they can and do what you expect

28 Review: Helpful Tips

29 29 Control glare and have adequate lighting Use large print documents, books, puzzles Use color contrast in printed materials Reduce background noise - radio, TV, music Slow down and lower pitch Allow individual to see lips and expressions Vision Hearing

30 30 Moderate pace Keep statements/questions simple Provide written materials to reinforce verbal info Remember its important to change yourbehavior Memory Impairment

31 31 Enunciate Lower pitch of voice Avoid talking down Reduce background noise by asking the member to lower their TV or radio volume On the Phone Avoid non-essential phone communication with the severely impaired

32 32 oBeing aware of clues to a seniors cognitive and physical limitations oBeing patient, listening carefully, using empathy statements oPromoting independence oAsking yourself if your work processes pass the senior sensitivity test oRemembering the senior cannot change their impairment- YOU must change YOUR behavior Senior Sensitivity Means

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