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Unit 4 Vocabulary Review

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1 Unit 4 Vocabulary Review

2 George Washington gave the first __________ address when he took office in 1789.

3 George Washington established the Secretary of State, Secretary of War, Secretary of the Treasury and Attorney General. These offices made up the President’s ________. cabinet

4 George Washington’s presidency set many examples for the powers of the presidency. Some of these are a two term limit, neutrality in foreign affairs and establishing a cabinet. What term best describes these examples? precedent

5 The Naturalization Act passed under John Adams raised the period to become a citizen from 5 years to 14 years. What term describes the people who were targeted by this act? aliens

6 Democratic Republican editors regularly criticized the Federalist administration under Adams. Congress passed a law that made this action illegal. What is the action? sedition

7 The Alien and Sedition Acts were not _____________ because they violated the First Amendment.

8 Thomas Jefferson and James Madison wrote the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions that stated states should not have to accept federal laws that they do not agree with. What right did Jefferson and Madison say the states have? nullification

9 The United States traded with Great Britain
The United States traded with Great Britain. There were many goods being imported and exported out of both countries. What word best describes this trade? commerce

10 France tried to stop the trade of America with Great Britain because they did not want Great Britain having the same advantages in trade that France had. This attempt to stop trade is known as a(n) _______. embargo

11 Marbury v. Madison established a new precedent where the Supreme Court could declare a law or act unconstitutional. What is this power known as? Judicial Review

12 Thomas Jefferson believed that farmers were the most important workers to the American economy. Jefferson supported the idea of ____________. Agrarianism

13 In the early 1800’s, Great Britain began stopping American ships, took American sailors off these ships and forced them to serve in the British navy. This act was known as _____________. impressment

14 The sailors who were kidnapped and forced to serve in the navies of other countries experienced a lot of ___________ trouble. maritime

15 As the United States gets closer to war with Great Britain in the early 1800s, many Americans develop a sense a pride and love for their country. What is this known as? Nationalism

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