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Implementing the Plan in the Local Church

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Presentation on theme: "Implementing the Plan in the Local Church"— Presentation transcript:

1 Implementing the Plan in the Local Church
5 Implementing the Plan in the Local Church

2 Review The Ministry System we will be using is: 25 words or less

3 The Ministry System we will be using is a Biblical method of organizing and integrating ministries that will promote and accommodate unlimited congregational growth.

4 Key Ideas Unlimited Growth Prepared to grow without limits

5 Church Organization and Growth
Key Ideas Unlimited Growth Church Organization and Growth A New Testament pattern will permit not necessarily produce unlimited growth

6 New Testament Pattern for Church Organization
Identification Acts 2:1-47 outlines Biblical ministry

7 New Testament Pattern for Church Organization
Identification Implementation Train the church to understand the nature, function and goal of each ministry area.

8 New Testament Pattern for Church Organization
Identification Implementation Integration Ministry Management System where all five ministries are interconnected and function cohesively

9 Identify the Ministries
How Do You Begin? Identify the Ministries




13 Implement the Ministries
How Do You Begin? Identify the Ministries Implement the Ministries

EVANGELISM EDUCATION FELLOWSHIP WORSHIP SERVICE Elder Deacons Ministry Coordinators Elder Deacons Ministry Coordinators Elder Deacons Ministry Coordinators Elder Deacons Ministry Coordinators Elder Deacons Ministry Coordinators

15 for the equipping of the saints for the work of service, to the building up of the body of Christ;
- Ephesians 4:12

16 Integrate the Ministries
How Do You Begin? Identify the Ministries Implement the Ministries Integrate the Ministries

17 Q. How do you kickstart the process? A. Encourage and empower

18 Q. How do you manage the process? A. Two types of meetings

19 Meetings Ministry Meetings




23 Elders Meetings Meetings Ministry Agenda Shepherding Agenda
Ministry Meetings Elders Meetings Ministry Agenda Shepherding Agenda

24 UNLIMITED GROWTH What will it take?

25 What will it take? Commitment

26 What will it take? Commitment Continuity

27 What will it take? Commitment Continuity Christ

28 and the Lord was adding to their number day by day those who were being saved.
- Acts 2:47b

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