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Vocabulary Week seven.

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1 Vocabulary Week seven

2 Flourish (noun) tangible(noun)
In a soft voice, with flourishes he would have told the exact truth. A display or ornamental speech or language. Sometimes tangible rewards of teaching, like salary, are not what truly matter, for the intangibles also pay off. Able to be perceived with any sense, but especially the sense of touch. Flourish (noun) tangible(noun)

3 Feign (verb) complicity (noun)
Christopher would often feign illness to get out of English class. To pretend or give a false appearance of; a false impression. The two executives were convicted of deceptive commercial practices and complicity in operating an illegal transportation service. Guilt as an accomplice in a crime or offense. Feign (verb) complicity (noun)

4 Obligatory (adj.) embody (verb)
For the most she’d held up well, and over the first two weeks she’d troop along with out complaint as we hit the obligatory tourist stops. Required by compulsion or convention. For twenty years the field had embodied all the waste that was Vietnam, all the vulgarity and horror. Represent in bodily form. Obligatory (adj.) embody (verb)

5 Solemn (adj.) earnest (adj.)
During the funeral, the man’s face was dark and solemn. Dignified and somber in manner and character. When discussing the issue he looked so earnest, so sad and hurt, that it almost made me feel guilty. Characterized by a firm belief in the validity of your opinions. Solemn (adj.) earnest (adj.)

6 Skeptic (noun) taut (adj.)
When Amazon said in that it could soon deliver products by drone, skeptics dismissed it as a publicity stunt. Someone who habitually doubts accepted beliefs. There was a light feeling in my head, fluttery and taut at the same time. Pulled or drawn tight. Skeptic (noun) taut (adj.)

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