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Interactive Challenge use your WIMS skills to solve the challenge Phil Arndt – IIM Project Manager, Hach.

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Presentation on theme: "Interactive Challenge use your WIMS skills to solve the challenge Phil Arndt – IIM Project Manager, Hach."— Presentation transcript:

1 Interactive Challenge use your WIMS skills to solve the challenge Phil Arndt – IIM Project Manager, Hach

2 Intro You will have 50 minutes to complete the challenge once we start
Each team gets 1 hint, wait till you are really stuck to use it We will have some assistants walking around to keep an eye on you in case something unexpected happens Don’t do anything with WIMS until we say “Go!” If no one finishes by the end time then we will look to see who is the farthest along to declare winner.

3 TIPS Works as a team but not too loudly, don’t help out the competition by giving away answers You can have multiple WIMS windows up at once, don’t close a window that has a hint your are working on, just minimize it You can also you some scratch paper to keep notes Be sure to fully read the hints you find, if you think you’ve followed a hint to a spot correctly but there isn’t a fairly obvious next step, go back and reread that hint

4 Back story “Not again!” you say to yourself just after sitting down to your desk and opening WIMS. You had noticed that once again your chemical level on TXC is dangerously low thanks to the dashboard gauges. Then you realize that this is the third month in a row that your water plant is about to run out of one the chemicals it needs to produce clean water. You think to yourself “What has changed?” and “Why is his happening lately, after a year of consistency?”. So, as the good water plant manager that you are, you know that it is time to look at the data and let it unfold to you the source of the problem. After all, there are lives at stake here, people are counting on you. The water your plant produces for the colony of Artemis is their only source of life sustaining water.

5 Back story . You take a second to reflect on this and look out your office window….you see the earth out in the distance…and think about how easy they have it down there with 71% of the surface being water-covered…and here you are…on the south pole of the moon…making drinking water from the ice found in the shadows of the craters….with not enough staff and apparently not enough of the chemicals you need either. Well hey, no one said joining the Space Force would be easy.

6 Back story . You decide to start by looking at the Chemical Usage entry form, so you click the button for it on your dashboard which takes you to the usage data for this month, that being August You see that on Saturday the 14th the TXC usage for tank 1 was way too high, you also see that there is a logbook comment on that day. Perhaps it will explain what happened, so you click the envelope icon to open the logbook comment. Hmmm, this comment is strange, looks like a mystery to be solved….

7 Back story . You decide to start by looking at the Chemical Usage entry form, so you click the button for it on your dashboard which takes you to the usage data for this month, that being August You see that on Saturday the 14th the TXC usage for tank 1 was way too high, you also see that there is a logbook comment on that day. Perhaps it will explain what happened, so you click the envelope icon to open the logbook comment. Hmmm, this comment is strange, looks like a mystery to be solved…. GO!

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