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Unit 3: The Development of Intimate Relationships

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 3: The Development of Intimate Relationships"— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 3: The Development of Intimate Relationships

2 What is an intimate relationship?
With a partner, create a definition in your own words

3 Intimate Relationship vs. Marriage
2 or more people More common to be involved with multiple people Can be a shorter amount of time (may be less close) Ended by spoken agreement Don’t necessarily live together Norm is 2 people Idea is to be long-term/forever Ended by divorce, death, separation More responsibilities See person more often (live together) Legally binding

4 Looks Like, Sounds Like, Feels Like
How would you describe an intimate relationship? Write your ideas on the posters around the room Do we need intimate relationships? Why or why not?

5 Effective relationships?
Analyze the relationships at your table (from what you know and heard) Are they effective? Why or why not? Tell us what you think!

6 Brad Pitt & Angelina Jolie

7 Justin Bieber & Selena Gomez

8 Portia DeRossi & Ellen Degeneres

9 Rihanna & Chris Brown

10 Jay-Z & Beyoncé

11 Katy Perry & Russell Brand

12 Katie Holmes & Tom Cruise

13 Other famous intimate relationships?

14 Other famous intimate relationships?

15 What do these relationships teach us?
Why are there so many famous pairs? Why are we interested in other people’s relationships? How do intimate relationships start?

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