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Students Check your OFTEN!!. Students Check your OFTEN!!

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2 Students Check your OFTEN!!

3 TAFE TAFE students may begin signing up for secret pals in Mrs. Bridges room.

4 Please remember that the Student Code of Conduct & the dress code applies to all after school activities.

5 KISS-A-Grams Kiss-a-Grams are now on sale from Student Council. Forms are available in the hallways and from teachers. Each kiss-a-gram is 25 cents. These will be on sale through Friday, February 3rd and will be delivered on Tuesday, February 14th.

6 Girls Basketball JV/V MAIDEN Louise today beginning at 4:00pm

7 Tutorials STUDENTS: You need to check you today to see if you received a Tutorials notification. 

8 PROM Juniors & Seniors please sign up for prom in the office, you must also sign up your date for the prom. Guests being invited from a different school must fill out a Guest Permission Form and have that returned to the high school office before the prom.

9 Boys Basketball INDIAN Louise beginning at 5:00pm

10 JH BOYS BASKETBALL @ Shiner on Monday beginning at 5:30pm

11 Counselor Information
Students PLEASE check your s from Ms. McCann!  She shares important opportunities and announcements with you by !

12 Waiter/Waitress Sophomore girls and boys interested in being a prom waiter or waitress this year can begin signing up in the office.

13 If you are having a problem or think you have a problem with another student; please see Mr. Bridges, Mr. Rosalez or Mrs. McCann.  

14 JH Girls Basketball JH GIRLS BASKETBALL VS Shiner on Monday beginning at 5:30pm


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