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Presentation on theme: "MAINTAINING A PRODUCTIVE WORKPLACE"— Presentation transcript:


2 Learning Objectives Describe a productive workplace.
Explain the importance of time management. Give examples of behaviors that reduce workplace productivity. Compare and contrast responses to substance abuse and other nonproductive behaviors.

3 A Productive Workplace
Productivity the ratio of an organization’s inputs or its resources, to its outputs or the goods and services it produces. It is essential to maintain high productivity in the workplace. There are many ways to improve efficiency in productivity.

4 Steps to increase morale
Understand the morale of your environment Let employees know “what’s in it for them” Get everyone involved in goal setting Let employees know the company is dedicated to helping them succeed Encourage communication between employees Keep everyone accountable

5 Employee appraisal Feedback to an employee from supervisors on how he or she has performed over a given period

6 Task Maturity Way to encourage productivity
Match individual to the jobs that need to be done Having the skill set necessary to complete a job

7 A Productive Workplace
Avoid Procrastination Putting off things until later Avoid Self Sabotage Damaging your own credibility

8 Steps to Stop Procrastinating
Get going on the task Make a plan Reduce the task into smaller components Think positive Reward yourself along the way Give yourself credit

9 Time Management Time management
making effective use of available time, and requires planning. People often overload time or underutilize time. Procrastination is one cause of underutilization.

10 Time Management Use a time analysis tool
Noticing a pattern where people waste time can help manage time and set priorities. Creating a to-do list also helps.

11 Behaviors that Reduce Workplace Productivity
Substance Abuse Family Problems Financial Problems Compulsive Gambling

12 Substance Abuse Common Expensive
Cost the economy $276 billion/year in lost workdays, lowered productivity

13 How can you recognize alcohol abuse in the workplace?
Physical signs Slurred speech Unsteady walking Smell of alcohol Bloodshot eyes Behavioral signs Missing work often Taking frequent long lunch hours/breaks irritability Arriving late/leaving early Avoiding people Conflicts with co-workers

14 Effects of Substance Abuse in the Workplace
Loss to employee morale and group unity. Resentment Safety issues Costs companies several hundred billion dollars each year. Lost productivity Health-care expenses

15 Response to Substance Abuse and Nonproductive Behaviors
AA NA Employee Assistance Programs

16 Response to Substance Abuse and Nonproductive Behaviors
Health Plans Substance Education Drug Testing Workplace Substance Abuse Policies


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