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Periodic Trends Chapter 14.2.

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Presentation on theme: "Periodic Trends Chapter 14.2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Periodic Trends Chapter 14.2

2 What are the Periodic Trends
Periodic Trends - patterns of characteristics of atoms in the Periodic Table Example: atomic size, ionization energy, electronegativity...

3 Atomic radius in periodic groups (Group Trends)
Atomic size generally increases as you move down a group because electrons are added to higher energy level (atom becomes bigger)

4 Atomic Radius in Period (Periodic Trends)
Atomic size generally decreases from left to right as we progress across a period. Element gets more protons and electrons, but they add electrons to the same principal energy level. More protons and electrons interact stronger when they are added across a period

5 General Trend-Atomic Radius
Decreasing Atomic Radius Increasing Atomic Radius

6 Ionization Energy When an atom gains or loses electrons, it becomes an ion. The energy required to remove electrons is called ionization energy. First ionization energy - energy to remove the outermost electron in an atom

7 Ionization Energy Ionization energy decreases as you move down a group
This occurs because the further you move down the group, the larger the atom. Are negatively charged electrons going to be more or less attracted to a positively charged nucleus the further away they get? Ionization energy increases as you move left to right across a period This occurs because the nucleus becomes more positive and the size of the atom decreases Fluorine really wants an 8th electron.

8 General Trend- Ionization Energy
Increasing Ionization Energy Decreasing Ionization Energy

9 Size of Ions Positive ions (cations) are smaller than original/neutral atoms (loss of electrons from outer energy layer therefore atomic size decreases) Negative ions (anions) are larger than original/neutral atoms due to electron shielding (extra electrons repel each other more therefore, atom becomes larger

10 General Trend- Ionic Size
Decreasing Ionic Size Increasing Ionic Size

11 Electronegativity Electronegativity - tendency of atoms to attract electrons Increasing Electronegativity Decreasing Electronegativity

12 Summary of Periodic Trends

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