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Basic Lessons 7&8 Mr. Husch.

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Presentation on theme: "Basic Lessons 7&8 Mr. Husch."— Presentation transcript:

1 Basic Lessons 7&8 Mr. Husch

2 Lesson 7 Objectives Compare and contrast two different programs
Analyze different arithmetic operators Lesson 7 Objectives

3 Previous Program Load the following Program What can improve?
What ideas do you have to make this program more practical?

4 Previous New Compare

5 Adding on to the program
Additions to make Run and Compare old vs new What is new with this program? Did the additions help the program? What could we still add to the program? Adding on to the program

6 Please click on your journal and complete sections 1 & 2
Journal Part 1

7 Operators Definition: mathematical symbols that generate an action in the program Examples: a = b a is equal to b a <> b a is unequal to b a < b a is less than b a > b a is greater than b a <= b a is less than or equal to b a >= b a is greater than or equal to b

8 Calculator Please create a calculator program that includes:
Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide Sections Must be able to repeat Must be able to choose to repeat or end Must have a way to get around divide by zero HINT-To do this you will need to use your new skills. Calculator

9 Lesson 8 Objectives Define strings
Understand the purpose of strings in BASIC programming Lesson 8 Objectives

10 Variable & Strings What is a variable?
String: String variables hold strings of characters (numbers, letters, and symbols) that can be used later in the program. --To signify a string you end it with $ Examples: data$ age$ name$

11 Write the following program:
String Program 1

12 Why do we need strings? What could they be used for besides just reciting a number?

13 Write the following program:
String Program 2

14 Complete section 3 of your journal
Journal Part 2

15 Create a program that acts as a Mad Lib
Create a program that acts as a Mad Lib. It must have a minimum of 4 strings that you can combine. You need to use [goto] commands and IF Then commands. Save it as LASTNAME_madlib Turn it in to the dropbox. Self challenge

16 Please complete your exit slip via google forms IF YOU ARE MISSING ANYTHING IT MUST BE TURNED IN BY FRIDAY!!!!!!!! Exit Slip

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