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Andreas Münchow University of Delaware Kelly Falkner

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1 Flow estimates through the Canadian Archipelago from synoptic ADCP surveys
Andreas Münchow University of Delaware Kelly Falkner Oregon State University Humfrey Melling Institute of Ocean Sciences 1/17/2019

2 Objectives: Freshwater fluxes from tidal to interannual time scales:
Quantify flows Quantify tracer distributions Diagnose dynamics Suggest monitoring array Barotropic vs. baroclinic contribution to flux? Local vs. remotely forced flux? Tidally rectified contribution to mean flux? 1/17/2019

3 Methods: 5-year project 2003-2007
Moorings (velocity, pressure, salinity, ice draft, tracers/water samplers) Surveys (velocity, hydrography, tracers) Remote Sensing (AMSR*, AVHRR) Paleo-environmental proxies (bivalves) Modeling (sub-mesoscale winds) Mooring deployment Kennedy Channel, August 2003 ~40 year’s worth of “tree rings” 5-year project (*) Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer: 89 GHz, daily coverage, 4x6 km spatial resolution 1/17/2019

4 Challenges: Magnetic North Pole nearby Ice Bridges and ice-bergs
Strait of Gibraltar Challenges: Magnetic North Pole nearby Ice Bridges and ice-bergs Strong tidal currents (~ 1 m/s?) small internal Rossby radii (ocean and atmosphere) Ageostrophic winds (hydraulics, katabatics) Ice and water contribute to freshwater flux Nares Strait Ellesmere Island Greenland 1/17/2019

5 ADCP Velocity Aug. 2003 Measured Detided = Measured-Tides Ellesmere
Island The narrow jet off Ellesmere Island opposes the local winds. Detided = Measured-Tides 1/17/2019

6 Winds Aug. 2003: Along 2003 ship track in Nares Strait Ellesmere
Greenland Ellesmere Island Winds Aug. 2003: Along 2003 ship track in Nares Strait Winds during our survey and mooring work in Nares Strait were generally from the south and opposed the generally southward flow. 1/17/2019

7 Barotropic tidal currents from 5-km OSU model (prior talk):
Robeson Channel Smith Sound ~15 cm/s but variable Largely uniform 1/17/2019

8 Semi-diurnal tidal currents from ADCP survey in Robeson Channel
Major axis current Current phase orientation Minor/major axis current USCGC Healy ADCP: 75 kHz phased-array 0.5 Hz Military grade p-code GPS Ashtech differential attitude GPS 15-m vertical bins First bin ~25-m below surface Range ~300-m to 600-m 1/17/2019

9 ADCP Velocity Aug. 2003 Measured Detided = Measured-Tides Ellesmere
Island note the narrow jet off Ellesmere Island Detided = Measured-Tides 1/17/2019

10  ~0.2±0.1 Sv Velocity Aug. 2003: against the wind  Wind
Across-channel ~0.2±0.1 Sv against the wind Along-channel Ellesmere Greenland 1/17/2019

11  Hydrography Robeson Channel Aug. 2003  Wind Density Northward wind
Southward flow Temperature Salinity 1/17/2019

12 tidal constituents estimated and removed
Two ADCP surveys of Smith Sound area on Aug.-3 and Aug : 3-min averaged depth-averaged Tidally biased flow As above, but with three tidal constituents estimated and removed 1/17/2019

13 Smith Sound detiding with 2 semi-diurnal and
1 diurnal constituents (depth-averaged currents) North (cm/s) East (cm/s) Survey Aug.-3 Survey Aug.-14 Time (days) 1/17/2019

14 Conclusions Freshwater flows scale with internal deformation radius L~5-km both Robeson Channel and Smith Sound Prior volume flux estimates through Nares Strait potentially biased as L is generally not resolved Tidal current estimation need improvements Spring view across Nares Strait from Greenland 1/17/2019

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