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Tone, Twitch, Types and Titles

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1 Tone, Twitch, Types and Titles


3 Twitch Force and Endurance depend on…
FAST twitch (white)-low myoglobin *fast, powerful contractions (eye movement, fingers) *fatigue quickly Sprinting, weight lifting, tennis SLOW twitch (red)-high myoglobin *extended contractions (postural muscles) *slow to fatigue Jogging biking swimming Intermediate-both—calf muscle, sprint or stand

4 Slow vs Fast Twitch Muscle fibers

5 It’s what Training is all about….



8 Energy and ATP food +oxygen=lots of energy food –oxygen= little bit of energy
Aerobic-OXYGEN *wasteCarbon dioxide and Water vapor Anaerobic –NO oxygen *waste Lactic acid Muscle FATIGUE-build up of lactic acid or lack of ATP



11 How were these muscles named?
Occipitofrontalis Orbicularis oculi Sternocleidomastoid Transverse abdominis Rectus abdominis Deltoid Pectoralis major Flexor carpi radialis

12 Romeo and Juliet Actin and Myosin

13 Muscle contraction 1. Ca+ diffuses across the sarcolemma into SR (balloons fall from ceiling) 2. (chaperones) Troponin and tropomysin move away from binding sites (distracted by balloons) 3. myosin heads attaches to actin strand (acting badly he kisses myosin) 4. myosin head moves to center of sarcomere (carries her to the dance floor) 5. Chaperones must use energy to separate the two

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