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Nativism and Imperialism

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1 Nativism and Imperialism
USH14: The student will explain America’s evolving relationship with the world at the turn of the 20th Century.

2 Anti-Asian Sentiment Once the railroads were complete Chinese laborers were forced to live in “Chinatowns” What is it called where a group of similar people live in New York?

3 Chinese Exclusion Act Congress wants to limit more Chinese from entering the US Taft signs the Chinese Exclusion Act limits Chinese miners from entering the country residents were denied citizenship and immigrants could not bring wives or children Japanese were treated a little better

4 Foreign Expansion Business of the US expanded into other nations for trading, natural resources or investment US needed to be more like Europe, expanding US buys Alaska in 1867 for $7.2 million less than $.02 an acre also looked closer to home

5 Spanish - American War (1898)
US wanted Cuba for a long time Revolution breaks out Spanish treatment of Cubans was harsh reconcentrados US fearful of losing investments US battleship Maine sent to safeguard investments Maine sunk US blames Spain

6 Spanish American War Causes
1. Humanitarian Aid 2. Sinking of Maine Yellow Journalism 3. De Lome Letter a letter talking bad about McKinley

7 War US had modern ships “Great White Fleet”
US defeats Spanish Armada at the Philippines However, in Cuba the US was not prepared militarily Theodore Roosevelt led the “Rough Riders” to victory

8 Outcomes of the Spanish - American War
US gains Puerto Rico and Guam bought Philippines for $20 million Cuba wins independence and is a US protectorate

9 War with the Philippines
US takes the Philippines as a territory the Filipinos fought the US for freedom Freedom happened in 1946

10 Hawaii Investors wanted the US to annex Hawaii for business reasons (tariff) US did not want to until Pearl Harbor proved to valuable

11 Social Darwinism only the strongest survive US stronger
US should take over weaker nations to help them be less “barbaric”

12 Anti-Imperialism People that did not want to annex area outside the US borders against our founding principles However, remember White Man’s Burden US annexes Puerto Rico, Hawaii and Alaska, but not the Philippines

13 Latin America US was taking advantage of markets in Latin America
Trans-oceanic canal shortens time, cheaper and faster movement of Navy Panama Canal

14 Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine
Europeans are not welcome in Latin America the US would oversee all debt repayment to Europe, not Europe Big Stick Diplomacy - Negotiations were speaking softly and military action was the stick

15 Anti-American sentiment
US intervened in Dominican Republic in 1904 Nicaragua in 1912 Haiti in 1915 policy pleases businessmen and Europe but not countries in debt

16 Which of the following helps to explain the reason for American expansionism in the mid-1800s and early 1900s? A. The United States sought new markets for agricultural and industrial products. B. The United States wanted to establish colonies in Asia, Africa, and Australia. C. United States foreign policy rejected the theory of "Social Darwinism." D. The United States military wanted to establish overseas bases and recruit from those locations.

17 The Spanish-American War was the first war fought by the United States in which it
A. acquired overseas possessions B. tested tanks in battle C. used the Panama Canal D. allied with a foreign power

18 Why did Congress pass the Chinese Exclusion Act in 1882?
A. The United States was at war with China. B. China was supporting Japanese expansion in the Pacific. C. Many Americans resented Chinese immigrants who worked for lower wages than Americans. D. It was passed in retaliation for the Boxer Rebellion which caused the deaths of many Americans.

19 As a result of the Spanish−American War,
A. the U.S. gained exclusive rights in Spanish ports. B. the anti−imperialist movement in the U.S. died down. C. the U.S. gained Puerto Rico and Guam as new possessions. D. for the first time, the U.S. government had a budget surplus.

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