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Chapter 2 : Lesson 1 Planet Earth

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1 Chapter 2 : Lesson 1 Planet Earth

2 Essential Question How does the biosphere support life on Earth?

3 Where are we? 93,000,000 miles from the Sun 3rd Planet in from the Sun
24,900 miles in circumference and 7900 miles in diameter Only planet in Milky Way solar system that can sustain human life

4 THE MILKY WAY Our Solar system consist of the sun 8 planets
1 dwarf planet (Pluto) Other celestial bodies that orbit the sun Comets > spheres covered with ice and dust that leave trails of vapor as they race through space Asteroids > large chunks of rocky material found in space By size: Pluto (dwarf), Mercury, Mars, Venus, Earth, Neptune, Uranus, Saturn, Jupiter


6 Hydrosphere The water areas of the Earth (oceans, seas, rivers, lakes and water in the atmosphere)

7 Lithosphere Uppermost layer of the Earth includes crust, continents, and ocean basins

8 Atmosphere On and Abovethe Earth
A thin layer of gases that surrounds the Earth

9 Biosphere The part of the earth where life exists (atmosphere, lithosphere and hydrosphere)

10 Continental Shelf Part of a continent that extends out underneath the ocean.

11 Review Question: Chapter 2 : Lesson 1 Read pages and answer Review Questions on page 43 Hand in Google Class Room.

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