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The favorite drink of britain

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1 The favorite drink of britain
Tea The favorite drink of britain

2 What is tea? Tea is a beverage made by pouring hot or boiling water on cured leaves usually of the plant camella sinensis.

3 A quick history lesson about tea
Tea originated in Southwest China. At first it was used as a medical drink. It was starting to be used as a recreational drink during the Chinese Tang dynasty and it quickly spread to other countries. Tea reached Britain in the 17th century. Indian tea eventually surpassed Chinese tea when it came to popularity.

4 Camellia sinensis It`s an evergreen shrub native to Asia. Tea made from this plant is divided into categories based on how it is processed: White Yellow Green Oolong Black Post-fermented


6 Packaging Tea bags Loose tea Compressed tea Instant tea Canned tea

7 Milk and pouring from different heights
is often added in Black tea but also Earl Gray which is less popular pouring from heights The height can affect the flavor. There is a technique to cool the beverage mid air so it is ready to be consumed immediately. It is popular in Southwest Africa as well as West Africa.

8 Thank you for your attention!

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