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Hayri Uğur UYANIK Very Large Scale Integration II - VLSI II

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Presentation on theme: "Hayri Uğur UYANIK Very Large Scale Integration II - VLSI II"— Presentation transcript:

1 Hayri Uğur UYANIK Very Large Scale Integration II - VLSI II
Synthesis Using RTL Compiler Hayri Uğur UYANIK ITU VLSI Laboratories Istanbul Technical University

2 Synthesis Using RTL Compiler
CNT_16 Module: 16 bit up counter with asynchronous active-low reset `timescale 1ns/1ps module CNT_16(CLK, RSTB, OUT); input CLK, RSTB; output [15:0] OUT; reg [15:0] OUT; CLK or negedge RSTB) begin if(!RSTB) begin OUT <= 0; end else begin OUT <= OUT + 1; endmodule

3 Synthesis Using RTL Compiler
CMP_16 Module: Comparator which compares the 16 bit input with 50. `timescale 1ns/1ps module CMP_16(IN, OUT); input [15:0] IN; output OUT; reg OUT; begin if(IN <= 50) begin OUT = 0; end else begin OUT = 1; endmodule

4 Synthesis Using RTL Compiler
TOP Module: The top module which connects both. The resulting design makes OUT=1 after 50 clock cycles. `timescale 1ns/1ps module TOP(CLK, RSTB, OUT); input CLK, RSTB; output OUT; wire [15:0] OUT_16; CMP_16 U1(OUT_16, OUT); CNT_16 U2(CLK, RSTB, OUT_16); endmodule

5 Synthesis Using RTL Compiler
Make a new folder

6 Synthesis Using RTL Compiler
Copy all Verilog files to newly created folder

7 Synthesis Using RTL Compiler
rc –gui

8 Synthesis Using RTL Compiler
RTL Compiler windows

9 Synthesis Using RTL Compiler
set_attribute lib_search_path /work/kits/ams/3.70/liberty/c35_3.3V

10 Synthesis Using RTL Compiler
set_attribute library {c35_CORELIB.lib}

11 Synthesis Using RTL Compiler
read_hdl CNT_16.v read_hdl CMP_16.v read_hdl TOP.v

12 Synthesis Using RTL Compiler
elaborate TOP

13 Synthesis Using RTL Compiler
Sub Blocks

14 Synthesis Using RTL Compiler
Technology independent D type Flip Flop

15 Synthesis Using RTL Compiler
Technology independent adder

16 Synthesis Using RTL Compiler
define_clock -period fall 80 -rise 80 -name clkin /designs/TOP/ports_in/CLK

17 Synthesis Using RTL Compiler
set_attribute slew { } [find -clock clkin]

18 Synthesis Using RTL Compiler
external_delay -input clock [find -clock clkin] -edge_rise [find /des* -port ports_in/*]

19 Synthesis Using RTL Compiler
external_delay -output clock [find -clock clkin] –edge_rise /designs/TOP/ports_out/*

20 Synthesis Using RTL Compiler
synthesize -to_mapped

21 Synthesis Using RTL Compiler
Technology dependent D type Flip Flop

22 Synthesis Using RTL Compiler
Technology dependent adder

23 Synthesis Using RTL Compiler
write –mapped > TOP_syn.v

24 Synthesis Using RTL Compiler
write_sdc > TOP.sdc

25 Synthesis Using RTL Compiler
report_timing >timing_report.txt

26 Synthesis Using RTL Compiler
report_area >area_report.txt

27 Synthesis Using RTL Compiler

28 Synthesis Using RTL Compiler

29 Synthesis Using RTL Compiler
source /work/kits/ams/3.70/buildgates/c35_3.3V/read_libs.tcl

30 Synthesis Using RTL Compiler
read_verilog -st TOP_syn.v

31 Synthesis Using RTL Compiler
write_sdf -prec 3 -edges check_edge -splitsetuphold -splitrecrem -remashold -force_calculation TOP.sdf

32 Synthesis Using RTL Compiler
New Testbench: `timescale 1ns/1ps `include "/work/kits/ams/3.70/verilog/c35b4/c35_CORELIB.v" `include "/work/kits/ams/3.70/verilog/udp.v“ module TEST_TOP; reg CLK, RSTB; wire OUT; initial $sdf_annotate("TOP.sdf",U1); initial begin RSTB = 0; CLK = 0; #30 RSTB = 1; # $finish; end always #50 CLK = ~CLK; TOP U1(CLK, RSTB, OUT); endmodule

33 Synthesis Using RTL Compiler
Add `timescale 1ns/1ps to TOP_syn.v and simulate OUT rises 1.225ns after the rising edge of CLK

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