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Evidence for Evolution

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1 Evidence for Evolution

2 What Darwin Observed





7 Fossil Record -Stratigraphy is the study rock successions and their interpretation in terms of a general time scale. -The oldest layers and fossils are at the bottom and get progressively younger as you move towards the top -Gives a physical timeline of the evolution of earths organisms and its extinctions. -What inference could you make if you found these same trilobites in a similar layer of rock on another continent?

8 Fossil Record -What are fossils?
Remains of ancient organisms. There are 2 types of fossils; body and trace fossils -body=remains/outline of the organism. -Trace= other signs the organism was present- footprints, tracks, etc.


10 2.Geographic Distribution of Species
-Similar animals in different locations around the world were the product of different lines of evolutionary descent.

11 3.Homologous Structures and Vestigial Organs.
Homologous structures- similar structures that appear in different organisms, but may have similar function -from the same body part in a common ancestor . -Ex: Birds wing and human arm. Vestigial organs -serve no apparent purpose, but resemble functioning organs in other animals. -Ex: Fossil whales have useless pelvic bones resembling those in other mammals.

12 REVIEW!!With your shoulder partner-Answer
What is meant by the term evolution? How is the process of survival of the fittest related to a populations environment? What does fossil evidence show about evolution?

13 4.Similarities in Early Development
Embryology- Early stages, or embryos, of vertebrates show many have similar features in these early days of development

14 DNA Evidence -Inside the cells of ALL organisms on Earth is DNA with the exact same DNA 4 bases, only the orders/genes are different. -The environment dictates which phenotypes succeed and repeatedly get passed on through sexual reproduction.

15 DNA Evidence -Closely related organisms have more similarities in their DNA/genes. Distant relatives have more genetic differences. -For example, there are proteins that are the same in all organisms. The hemoglobin gene is a primary example. it carries oxygen on the red blood cell in all organisms. The fewer differences in amino acids the closer the relation to humans.


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