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I will choose one random student

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1 I will choose one random student
Find me China


3 Tang Dynasty Outline the Tang Dynasty on your map with the map pencil of your choice.


5 The Tang Dynasty

6 Important Vocabulary Samurai - a member of a powerful military caste in feudal Japan, especially a member of the class of military retainers of the daimyos Monks - a person who practices religious asceticism, living either alone or with any number of other monks Monastery - a building or buildings occupied by a community of monks living under religious vows

7 The Tang Dynasty Overview
Founded in 618 AD by the Li family Capital was located in the city of Chang’an Made extremely rich by trade along the Silk Road; especially trading with the Byzantine Empire (Eastern Rome) With the increase in trade the Tang were able to raise their standard of living, better protection for traders through a better military, and more cultural diffusion between Rome, Africa, and China

8 Tang Inventions Printing Press - allowed for quicker copies to be made
Mechanical Clock - people didn’t have to rely on sundials anymore Gunpowder - when invented it was just used for fireworks/entertainment

9 Foot Binding Was used as a sign of wealth
At young age girls would have feet wrapped up into a ball Avoided them from working b/c they couldn’t walk Led to bigger gap between men and women in Confucian social hierarchy

10 Tang Politics Religion was Confucianism and completely influenced their politics All government officials and teachers were men and followed Confucianism Through a strong, central government they were able to build their military and increase safety on the Silk Road (which increased money being spent) Had one of the largest militaries in the world during this time period along with well-advanced armor and weapons Expanded their territory to surround the Silk Road to protect from Mughals (Mongols) and robbers

11 Tang Armor and Weaponry

12 Important Facts of the Tang
Controlled China AD Similar to the Han Confucianism regains controls Civil service exams are created for people to run for any office Conquered/strongly influenced Japan and Korea

13 Emperor Taizong Cofounder of the Tang Dynasty and 2nd ruler of the Tang Convinced his father to overthrow the emperor of the Sui Dynasty Set the standard for all emperors to live by after his death Required all officials to take competency exams in order to prove “worthiness” of being a civil service worker This is an act we practice today called the Pendleton Civil Service Act Also began taking an official census to know how many people were under his influence (people do those today; every 10 years)

14 Emperor Taizong

15 Empress Wu Zhao Was a concubine of Taizong’s who married his 9th son after Taizong’s death Unofficially ruled the Tang Dynasty Continued Taizong’s expansion into Korea Wu Zhao is responsible for the heavy Chinese influence in Korea North Korea and China have been close allies for centuries

16 Empress Wu Zhao

17 Fall of the Tang Dynasty
All good things must come to an end Limerick written about the fall of the Tang: “The emperor Xuanzong fell in love with a concubine named Yang but she had a man on the side to take over the empire - he tried which led to the next dynasty - named the Song”

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