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Moving to the Implementation Plan. The Implementation Plan Due July 1, 2010 Mandate for 9-12 Recommended for System K-12 Will be on EdInfo page –predicted.

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Presentation on theme: "Moving to the Implementation Plan. The Implementation Plan Due July 1, 2010 Mandate for 9-12 Recommended for System K-12 Will be on EdInfo page –predicted."— Presentation transcript:

1 Moving to the Implementation Plan

2 The Implementation Plan Due July 1, 2010 Mandate for 9-12 Recommended for System K-12 Will be on EdInfo page –predicted December 2

3 The Online Process Self-studies in new format (outcomes 1-6) Consensus Rating (outcomes 1-6) Implementation Plan 3

4 Self-Study and Implementation Handbook Self-studies (new format) Consensus Ratings Protocol (directions) Found on Keystone AEAs website. Go to >Classroom Support >Iowa Core Curriculum >Implementation 4

5 Outcome 4 deals with Alignment Alignment Definition –To paraphrase…The extent to which and how well all policy elements (e.g., content, instruction, and assessment) work together to guide instruction and, ultimately, facilitate and enhance student learning (Webb, 1997). –Therefore when thinking about content, instruction, and assessment, we also need to consider how well they coordinate with each other. 5

6 Outcome 4: Alignment District leaders and other educators monitor and use data to increase the degree of alignment of each and every students enacted curriculum and other relevant educational opportunities to the Iowa Core Curriculum (intended curriculum). 6

7 Implementation Implications The focus on initial implementation work will be on examining alignment of the enacted curriculum to the intended curriculum (i.e., the Essential Concepts and Skill Sets). THIS MEANS DATA WILL BE COLLECTED ON WHAT TEACHERS ACTUALLY TEACH a.SUMMATIVE SELF REPORTS b.Observation and dialogue 7

8 Outcome 4 Self Study Review self-study Discuss questions 1.What are districts being asked to do? 2.What are districts not being asked to do? 3.What about the self study seems to make sense. 4.What questions do you have about the self study? 8

9 Completing the Self Study All districts will be at a 0 on all Outcome 4 self study rubrics Missing –Characteristics of Quality Alignment Work –Assessment of alignment skills –Sharing self study with staff HEADS UP: Fist-of-four process not needed for Outcome 4 self studies 9

10 What Can Districts Do Now for Alignment? 1.Review and learn more about the Essential Concepts/Skills/Details. 2.Develop common understanding of curriculum and alignment concepts and terms. 3.Focus on Summative Self Reports (Enacted Diary Concept). 4.Participate in Observation and Dialogue using the Essential Concepts and Skills. 5.Understand that Alignment will be long term and on-going. 10

11 Outcome 6 New Format Review Questions and Comments Use Fist-of-Four Process 11

12 All Outcomes 1.Find Consensus Forms and Self Studies from Spring 09. 2.Finalize ratings. 3.What team structure will the district use to get the ratings done? 4.How will the District share the Self Studies, Ratings and Plan with the staff? 12

13 Implementation Plan Review of Handbook Online Plan Components in Handbook District Implementation Working Plan on Keystone Website 13

14 AEA Assistance In-district Regional Work Sessions –February 22, Elkader, Keystone AEA –February 23, Manchester. Our Savior Lutheran Church Fellowship Hall –February 24, Calmar, NICC Dairy Center, Room 115 Times: 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Lunch billed back Keystone has assigned an ICC Lead to each district. Assistance may be: 14

15 July 1, 2010 Self Studies Consensus Forms Implementation Plan 15

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