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English II Vocabulary Unit 2.

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1 English II Vocabulary Unit 2

2 Spartan (SPAR tun) Adjective Severe, rigorous, disciplined
Synonyms: self-denying, plain, spare, retrained, strict, stern, austere

3 gadfly (GAD fly) Noun Person who continually annoys others
Synonyms: critic, pest, faultfinder, goad

4 homage (HOM ij) Noun Action showing respect and honor
Synonyms: honor, admiration, esteem, reverence, tribute

5 spurn (SPURN) verb Scornfully refuse or reject
Synonyms: scorn, repel, despise, dismiss, repudiate, decline

6 pedigree (PED uh gree) Noun
Ancestry or record of ancestry, line of descent Synonyms: descent, family tree, lineage, genealogy

7 pittance (PIT uns) Noun A small amount or portion, especially of money
Synonyms: trifle, insufficiency, ration, minimal wage, modicum

8 preposterous (prih POS tur us)
Adjective Ridiculous, obviously absurd, contrary to reason Synonyms: foolish, nonsensical, silly, unreasonable, irrational, ludicrous

9 macabre (muh KAH bruh, muh KAHB)
Adjective Gruesome, horrible, causing fear, suggesting the horror of death Synonyms: grim, hideous, horrid, dreadful, weird, ghastly

10 bombast (BOM bast) Noun
Speech or writing that sounds grand or important but has little meaning Synonyms: wordiness, grandiloquence

11 farce (FARS) Noun Ridiculous, light comedy; slapstick comedy; absurd thing; mockery Synonyms: mockery, absurdity, ridiculousness, nonsense, burlesque

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