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Informatics 121 Software Design I

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1 Informatics 121 Software Design I
Lecture 6 André van der Hoek Duplication of course material for any commercial purpose without the explicit written permission of the professor is prohibited. January 16, 2019 – 21:33:07 (c) 2006 University of California, Irvine – André van der Hoek

2 © 2006 University of California, Irvine – André van der Hoek
Today’s Lecture Software design January 16, 2019 – 21:33:07 © 2006 University of California, Irvine – André van der Hoek

3 When Does Design Take Place?
January 16, 2019 – 21:33:07 © 2006 University of California, Irvine – André van der Hoek

4 When Does Design Take Place?
For a graphic designer? January 16, 2019 – 21:33:07 © 2006 University of California, Irvine – André van der Hoek

5 When Does Design Take Place?
For a graphic designer? For a product designer? January 16, 2019 – 21:33:07 © 2006 University of California, Irvine – André van der Hoek

6 When Does Design Take Place?
For a graphic designer? For a product designer? For an architect? January 16, 2019 – 21:33:07 © 2006 University of California, Irvine – André van der Hoek

7 When Does Design Take Place?
For a graphic designer? For a product designer? For an architect? For a lawyer? January 16, 2019 – 21:33:07 © 2006 University of California, Irvine – André van der Hoek

8 When Does Design Take Place?
For a graphic designer? For a product designer? For an architect? For a lawyer? For a musician? January 16, 2019 – 21:33:07 © 2006 University of California, Irvine – André van der Hoek

9 When Does Design Take Place?
For a graphic designer? For a product designer? For an architect? For a lawyer? For a musician? For a painter? January 16, 2019 – 21:33:07 © 2006 University of California, Irvine – André van der Hoek

10 When Does Design Take Place?
For a graphic designer? For a product designer? For an architect? For a lawyer? For a musician? For a painter? For a game designer? January 16, 2019 – 21:33:07 © 2006 University of California, Irvine – André van der Hoek

11 When Does Design Take Place?
For a graphic designer? For a product designer? For an architect? For a lawyer? For a musician? For a painter? For a game designer? For a novelist? January 16, 2019 – 21:33:07 © 2006 University of California, Irvine – André van der Hoek

12 When Does Design Take Place?
For a graphic designer? For a product designer? For an architect? For a lawyer? For a musician? For a painter? For a game designer? For a novelist? For a software engineer? January 16, 2019 – 21:33:07 © 2006 University of California, Irvine – André van der Hoek

13 Positioning Software Design
Waterfall: once, in between requirements and implementation “design is a phase” Incremental: repeatedly, in between requirements and implementation Prototyping: once, in between prototyping/requirements and implementation Spiral: intermittently, when the risks being faced demand it XP: all the time, when coding “design is in the code” January 16, 2019 – 21:33:07 © 2006 University of California, Irvine – André van der Hoek

14 Requirements no of problems described no of designs possible
domain of requirements domain of design January 16, 2019 – 21:33:07 © 2006 University of California, Irvine – André van der Hoek

15 Requirements one problem one design some problems some designs
many problems many designs domain of requirements domain of design January 16, 2019 – 21:33:07 © 2006 University of California, Irvine – André van der Hoek

16 Requirements one problem one design some problems some designs
many problems many designs domain of requirements domain of design We do not want it like this January 16, 2019 – 21:33:07 © 2006 University of California, Irvine – André van der Hoek

17 Requirements one problem one design some problems some designs
many problems many designs domain of requirements domain of design And we do not want it like this January 16, 2019 – 21:33:07 © 2006 University of California, Irvine – André van der Hoek

18 Requirements one problem one design some problems some designs
many problems many designs domain of requirements domain of design We do want it like this January 16, 2019 – 21:33:07 © 2006 University of California, Irvine – André van der Hoek

19 Requirements one problem one design some problems some designs
many problems many designs domain of requirements domain of design But we do not want it like this January 16, 2019 – 21:33:07 © 2006 University of California, Irvine – André van der Hoek

20 Requirements one problem one design some problems some designs
many problems many designs domain of requirements domain of design We do want it like this January 16, 2019 – 21:33:07 © 2006 University of California, Irvine – André van der Hoek

21 Requirements one problem one design some problems some designs
many problems many designs domain of requirements domain of design The reality is typically more like this January 16, 2019 – 21:33:07 © 2006 University of California, Irvine – André van der Hoek

22 Requirements one problem one design some problems some designs
many problems many designs domain of requirements domain of design But this means: (1) the problem is not completely clear! January 16, 2019 – 21:33:07 © 2006 University of California, Irvine – André van der Hoek

23 Requirements one problem one design some problems some designs
many problems many designs domain of requirements domain of design But this means: (2) some design decisions have already been made! January 16, 2019 – 21:33:07 © 2006 University of California, Irvine – André van der Hoek

24 A Brief Example: WebDAV
“Distribution and replication are at the heart of the Internet. All WebDAV extensions should be designed to allow for distribution and replication. Version trees should be able to be split across multiple servers. Collections may have members on different servers. Any resource may be cached or replicated for mobile computing or other reasons. Consequently, the WebDAV extensions must be able to operate in a distributed, replicated environment.” “The WebDAV extensions should keep to a minimum the number of interactions between the client and the server needed to perform common functions. For example, publishing a document to the Web will often mean publishing content together with related properties. A client may often need to find out what version graph a particular resource belongs to, or to find out which resource in a version graph is the published one. The extensions should make it possible to do these things efficiently.” January 16, 2019 – 21:33:07 © 2006 University of California, Irvine – André van der Hoek

25 A Brief Example: WebDAV
“Distribution and replication are at the heart of the Internet. All WebDAV extensions should be designed to allow for distribution and replication. Version trees should be able to be split across multiple servers. Collections may have members on different servers. Any resource may be cached or replicated for mobile computing or other reasons. Consequently, the WebDAV extensions must be able to operate in a distributed, replicated environment.” “The WebDAV extensions should keep to a minimum the number of interactions between the client and the server needed to perform common functions. For example, publishing a document to the Web will often mean publishing content together with related properties. A client may often need to find out what version graph a particular resource belongs to, or to find out which resource in a version graph is the published one. The extensions should make it possible to do these things efficiently.” January 16, 2019 – 21:33:07 © 2006 University of California, Irvine – André van der Hoek

26 © 2006 University of California, Irvine – André van der Hoek
A Brief Example: ATM January 16, 2019 – 21:33:07 © 2006 University of California, Irvine – André van der Hoek

27 © 2006 University of California, Irvine – André van der Hoek
A Brief Example: ATM January 16, 2019 – 21:33:07 © 2006 University of California, Irvine – André van der Hoek

28 Implementation no of designs described no of implementations possible
domain of design domain of implementation January 16, 2019 – 21:33:07 © 2006 University of California, Irvine – André van der Hoek

29 Implementation one design one implementation some designs
some implementations many designs many implementations domain of design domain of implementation January 16, 2019 – 21:33:07 © 2006 University of California, Irvine – André van der Hoek

30 Implementation one design one implementation some designs
some implementations many designs many implementations domain of design domain of implementation We do not want it like this January 16, 2019 – 21:33:07 © 2006 University of California, Irvine – André van der Hoek

31 Implementation one design one implementation some designs
some implementations many designs many implementations domain of design domain of implementation And we do not want it like this January 16, 2019 – 21:33:07 © 2006 University of California, Irvine – André van der Hoek

32 Implementation one design one implementation some designs
some implementations many designs many implementations domain of design domain of implementation We do want it like this January 16, 2019 – 21:33:07 © 2006 University of California, Irvine – André van der Hoek

33 Implementation one design one implementation some designs
some implementations many designs many implementations domain of design domain of implementation We do not want it like this January 16, 2019 – 21:33:07 © 2006 University of California, Irvine – André van der Hoek

34 Implementation one design one implementation some designs
some implementations many designs many implementations domain of design domain of implementation We do want it like this January 16, 2019 – 21:33:07 © 2006 University of California, Irvine – André van der Hoek

35 Implementation one design one implementation some designs
some implementations many designs many implementations domain of design domain of implementation The reality is typically more like this January 16, 2019 – 21:33:07 © 2006 University of California, Irvine – André van der Hoek

36 Implementation one design one implementation some designs
some implementations many designs many implementations domain of design domain of implementation But this means: (1) the design is not completely clear! January 16, 2019 – 21:33:07 © 2006 University of California, Irvine – André van der Hoek

37 Implementation one design one implementation some designs
some implementations many designs many implementations domain of design domain of implementation But this means: (2) some implementation “design” decisions have been made! January 16, 2019 – 21:33:07 © 2006 University of California, Irvine – André van der Hoek

38 © 2006 University of California, Irvine – André van der Hoek
A Brief Example: SOAP January 16, 2019 – 21:33:07 © 2006 University of California, Irvine – André van der Hoek

39 A Brief Example: PHP MYSQL
January 16, 2019 – 21:33:07 © 2006 University of California, Irvine – André van der Hoek

40 Positioning Software Design
Waterfall: once, in between requirements and implementation “design is a phase” Incremental: repeatedly, in between requirements and implementation Prototyping: once, in between prototyping/requirements and implementation Spiral: intermittently, when the risks being faced demand it XP: all the time, when coding “design is in the code” January 16, 2019 – 21:33:07 © 2006 University of California, Irvine – André van der Hoek

41 Positioning Software Design – Informatics 121
Informatics 121: all the time, in many phases “design is design” in other words, do not try to pigeonhole the activity nor the artifact We must: stay true to ourselves recognize when we design recognize the form of design adopt the activity and representation best fitting the form of design use the Design Diamond to properly practice design regardless of what our colleagues say January 16, 2019 – 21:33:07 © 2006 University of California, Irvine – André van der Hoek

42 Design All The Time, in Many Phases – Bad?
Yes many will argue against this view of design the discipline of software engineering currently has few established mechanisms to support this view of design No software engineering is a design discipline attempting to squish design into one phase or one kind of artifact is unduly limiting design and our ability to be effective software engineers January 16, 2019 – 21:33:07 © 2006 University of California, Irvine – André van der Hoek

43 © 2006 University of California, Irvine – André van der Hoek
Design Diamond Domain of Materials Domain of Use Knowledge Representation Ideas Activity concern manipulates informs Goal captures enhances January 16, 2019 – 21:33:07 © 2006 University of California, Irvine – André van der Hoek

44 © 2006 University of California, Irvine – André van der Hoek
Goal – Software Objectives that frame a design problem Vague versus precise Rigid versus flexible Singular versus composed of multiple subgoals Explicitly written down versus hidden in unstated expectations Driven by external parties versus set by the software designer themselves Examples requirements document “today, I am going to improve the software and make it faster” customer Joe’s hidden taste of bold colors and layouts when it comes to user interfaces January 16, 2019 – 21:33:07 © 2006 University of California, Irvine – André van der Hoek

45 © 2006 University of California, Irvine – André van der Hoek
Ideas – Software Individual understanding of a design problem and its solution Ideas can be vague intuitions, firm decisions, relations among ideas, thoughts on possible directions, rationale, preferences, facts, recall of previously-visited alternatives, … Sometimes, one idea can make a big difference – a good metaphor, for instance Examples “we should use a pipe and filter architecture on this project” “that proposed solution will not scale up” “the customer said this, but from user studies I know that it is not quite true” other, more abstract mental images of the program’s eventual operation January 16, 2019 – 21:33:07 © 2006 University of California, Irvine – André van der Hoek

46 Representation – Software
Expression of an understanding of a design problem and its solution A choice of expression depends a lot on its purpose: individual exploration, team communication, handing off a design to someone else, … The ways in which a given set of ideas can be expressed and later implemented vary greatly depending on the design notation chosen and the amount of detail needed a sketch, a memo, a diagram, a whiteboard drawing, a narrative, a sequence chart, a spoken conversation, … Examples UML, software architecture, code (in extreme programming), Statecharts, formal languages, and many informal sketches and drawings January 16, 2019 – 21:33:07 © 2006 University of California, Irvine – André van der Hoek

47 © 2006 University of California, Irvine – André van der Hoek
Activity – Software Acts that contribute to the crafting of a design solution to a design problem A choice of action depends a lot on its purpose individual exploration, team communication, handing off a design to someone else, … Not every action directly results in a design artifact; many actions are peripheral and serve to prepare the designer for other, more concrete, tasks Examples creating a UML class diagram, evaluating a prototype, starting over, sitting and pondering, generating alternatives, performing research in the problem domain, … January 16, 2019 – 21:33:07 © 2006 University of California, Irvine – André van der Hoek

48 © 2006 University of California, Irvine – André van der Hoek
Knowledge – Software Individual wisdom about design problems and their solutions Knowledge is vital to any software design project if you do not have (all of) it, get someone involved who does A particularly thorny issue is that what one must know shifts rapidly model-driven architecture, Ajax, web services, software factories, … Examples familiarity with some architectural style the experience of designing multiple large databases and the intangible intuitions and insights that come with that experience knowing that a certain design structure is suitable for software that needs to be highly reliable January 16, 2019 – 21:33:07 © 2006 University of California, Irvine – André van der Hoek

49 Domain of Use – Software
Collective wisdom about design problems and their solutions This collective wisdom is generally not reported in “raw” form, but typically is summarized, coalesced, and organized in books, catalogues, standards, educational materials, conferences, The Domain of Use also reflects itself in the Domain of Materials, as new abstractions are created that codify particular uses Examples the OSI seven layer network model the Design Patterns book numerous, collected rules to keep in mind when designing user interfaces January 16, 2019 – 21:33:07 © 2006 University of California, Irvine – André van der Hoek

50 Domain of Materials – Software
Collective wisdom about the general resources available to implement design solutions We must consider the available resources for implementing a design programming languages, web protocols and standard tools, user interface generators, databases, … Resources include different classes of programmers Expert, amateur, novice, … Examples C is fast and compact C++ is object-oriented Expert programmers do not need a fully detailed class diagram January 16, 2019 – 21:33:07 © 2006 University of California, Irvine – André van der Hoek

51 © 2006 University of California, Irvine – André van der Hoek
To Summarize We will recognize that design takes place all the time, during many phases of the software lifecycle sometimes more, sometimes less sometimes in one form, sometimes in another We will recognize the role of the Design Diamond understand limitations involved in a particular design exercise exploit possibilities present in a particular design exercise We will recognize and exploit the role of design theories January 16, 2019 – 21:33:07 © 2006 University of California, Irvine – André van der Hoek

52 © 2006 University of California, Irvine – André van der Hoek
Fifth Assignment Design a novel Google Maps application Bring your design on a poster to class design is a goal Tuesday, April 25 design is a revised high-level goal and a high-level architecture Thursday, April 27 design is a revised high-level goal and revised high-level architecture Tuesday, May 9 January 16, 2019 – 21:33:07 © 2006 University of California, Irvine – André van der Hoek

53 © 2006 University of California, Irvine – André van der Hoek
Fifth Assignment We will organize the class as a design studio everyone will look at everyone else’s poster provide suggestions provide constructive criticism individuals are to take notes of the suggestions and criticism, and to use the notes in subsequent revisions Helpful resources January 16, 2019 – 21:33:07 © 2006 University of California, Irvine – André van der Hoek

54 © 2006 University of California, Irvine – André van der Hoek
Fifth Assignment Tuesday, April 25 clearly articulate the goal of your design establish a domain of materials and domain of use illustrate the design process you followed (divergence) Thursday, April 27 clearly summarize the goal of your design clearly articulate the high-level architecture of your design use appropriate representations and activities illustrate the design process you followed (transformation) January 16, 2019 – 21:33:07 © 2006 University of California, Irvine – André van der Hoek

55 © 2006 University of California, Irvine – André van der Hoek
Fifth Assignment Tuesday, May 9 clearly summarize the goal of your design clearly articulate the high-level architecture of your design use appropriate representations and activities illustrate the design process that you followed (convergence) And remember… …you will not have to implement your design …but you will have to provide a plausible high-level architecture …the application should be novel January 16, 2019 – 21:33:07 © 2006 University of California, Irvine – André van der Hoek

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