Zonta International District 10

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Presentation on theme: "Zonta International District 10"— Presentation transcript:

1 Zonta International District 10
2nd Governor’s Summit October 20, 2018 Zelebrating 100 Years of Empowering Women Zelebrating 100 Years Of Empowering Women I am so honored to be here with you today as we begin this biennium of celebration—100 years of working together to improve the lives of women and girls worldwide. Today, let’s think about not only what we are doing to empower women and girls but WHY we do what we do.

2 The Golden Circle: Why? How? What?
Mission Statement Zonta International is a leading global organization of professionals empowering women worldwide through service and advocacy. The Golden Circle: Why? How? What? Our most recent Zontian has a page near the end of the magazine devoted to WHY Zonta. The Golden Circle is based on Simon Sinek’s book Start with the Why. His premise is that people don’t buy what we do, they buy why we do it. Looking at our mission statement, we can see the How and the What. How we do what we do is through our service and advocacy in our communities and internationally. What we do is that we empower women. But, what about that all important WHY? Zelebrating 100 Years Of Empowering Women

3 Zelebrating 100 Years Of Empowering Women Vision Statement
Zonta International envisions a world in which women's rights are recognized as human rights and every woman is able to achieve her full potential. In such a world, women have access to all resources and are represented in decision-making positions on an equal basis with men. In such a world, no woman lives in fear of violence. Our vision statement really is what expresses WHY we do what we do. Why Zonta? We believe in gender equality. We believe it is wrong to treat women as second-class citizens. We believe that women’s rights are human rights. We know that too often women are denied basic human rights. We believe in Saying NO to Violence Against Women. We enjoy the passion and commitment as we work together to change the world! Zelebrating 100 Years Of Empowering Women

4 2018-2020 Biennium District Goals
ZI Goal 1: We maximize our impact through service and advocacy initiatives and educational programs that empower women and girls. Continue support for Zonta Says No to Violence Against Women. Embrace Zonta’s call to end child marriage. Implement the Women in Technology Scholarship program. Achieve new collaboration with at least two like-minded organizations. At the Convention in Japan, goals were set for this biennium. Your district board has established our district’s goals in line with those of ZI. These goals are how we are going to empower women. Goal 1 to increase our impact through service and advocacy initiatives and educational programs: We will continue supporting Zonta Says No to Violence Against Women. Embrace Zonta’s call to end child marriage, a project that President Susanne hopes to become a signature project as our Zonta Says No Campaign. (Kim and Kristin) Implement and support the new Women in Technology Scholarship. (Monica) Have new collaborations with like-minded organizations. Zelebrating 100 Years Of Empowering Women

5 ZI Goal 2: We strengthen our resources to support our mission.
Have more members on May 31, 2020, than on May 31, 2018. Support engaging student clubs and the chartering of new student clubs as relevant service projects. Utilize leadership training program with district and club leaders. Continue our outstanding support of Zonta International Foundation. Implement measures to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of district operations. Goal 2: strengthen our resources to support our mission. Membership: We need growth to sustain our mission. The specific goal is to have more members at the end of May 2020 than this past May (Carole) To look at working with student clubs and chartering new student clubs as service projects. (Angela) To utilize the leadership training program (Candi) To continue our outstanding support of ZIF (Kim) To enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of district operations (Christi) Zelebrating 100 Years Of Empowering Women

6 Zelebrating 100 Years Of Empowering Women
ZI Goal 3: We enhance our profile around the world through our centennial anniversary activities. Honor a person or an organization for outstanding achievement to empower women. Report on actions that increase Zonta’s visibility. Goal 3: enhance profile through centennial anniversary activities. Each club, as well as the district, should honor a living non-Zontian or organization for outstanding achievement in empowering women. (Kim Hawes) Report our actions locally through social media and news outlets and share our stories on ZI. These goals—our How we are going to empower women—are certainly worthy goals for ZI, the district, and our clubs. Zelebrating 100 Years Of Empowering Women

7 Zonta International District 10
Honoring our Past And Empowering our Future I am excited about how we will meet these goals. We will honor our past by continuing and expanding on the efforts made by those before us. District 10 is ready to do just this. This biennium is to be a bridge between the accomplishments of the past and the important work still yet to be done. District 10 will meet this obligation to Honor and Empower. Remember, why we do what we do? Our aim is to change the world and who wouldn’t want to be a part of that?

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