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HIGHER TIER 90% - A* 80% - A 70% - B 55% - C 45% - D 25% - E

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Presentation on theme: "HIGHER TIER 90% - A* 80% - A 70% - B 55% - C 45% - D 25% - E"— Presentation transcript:

1 HIGHER TIER 90% - A* 80% - A 70% - B 55% - C 45% - D 25% - E FOUNDATION 90% - B 72% - C 60% - D 50% - E

2 Classwork December sixth
How does John Steinbeck present the harsh world of the ranch in Of Mice and Men? Remember to support your answer with reference to the novel and to comment on its social, historical and cultural context. [20] Theme: Violence

3 Can you think of specific examples of violence in the novel?
Can you divide the violence to intentional/unintentional? How does the violence of the novel link with context?

4 1. Can you think of specific examples of violence in the novel?
George’s threatening language towards Lennie at the beginning of the novel: "So you forgot that awready, did you? I gotta tell you again, do I? Jesus Christ,you're a crazy bastard!“ “If I was a relative of yours I'd shoot myself." The accidental death of the mouse by Lennie in Ch1 "They was so little," he said apologetically. First impression of Curley – tries to be threatening and put a fright into George and Lennie“Curley stepped gingerly close to him. "You the new guys the old man was waitin’ for?“ The shooting of Candy’s dog – a violent act or an act of mercy? “A shot sounded in the distance. The men looked quickly at the old man.” Curley’s wife threatening violence upon Crooks "Well, you keep your place then, Nigger. I could get you strung up on a tree so easy it ain't even funny.“ Lennie accidently kills the pup "He was so little," said Lennie. "I was jus playin’ with him…” Using Crooks as entertainment to wind other ranch workers up “Smitty says he woulda killed the nigger.” The fight scene – “Come on, ya big bastard. Get up on your feet! No big son of a bitch is gonna laugh at me.” “Curley was flopping like a fish on a line” The death of Curley’s wife “I done a bag thing, I done another bag thing” George shoots Lennie “George raised the gun and steadied it” – similar to Candy’s dog; violence or and act of mercy?

5 Unintentional Violence
2. Intentional/ Unintentional Violence Intentional Violence Unintentional Violence

6 3. How does the violence of the novel link with context?
Consider the following…… Living in a harsh world – Wall Street Crash 1929 leading to the Great Depression The harsh and cold exterior of a migrant worker – mistrust and not understanding feelings i.e. Carlson “Now what the hell ya suppose is eatin’ them two guys?” Using racial discrimination to inforce violence Using violence to show power (Curley) Lennie’s learning disability – lack of understanding leading to tragic consequences

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