Gravimetric Determination of Iron as Fe2O3

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Presentation on theme: "Gravimetric Determination of Iron as Fe2O3"— Presentation transcript:

1 Gravimetric Determination of Iron as Fe2O3
Experiment 3

2 Purpose To determine the amount of Iron (III) in a sample of unknown using the gravimetric analysis method.

3 Gravimetric Analysis? Any analytical method that relies on measuring the mass of a substance to complete the analysis.

4 How to obtain the product?
Precipitation Treating the analyte with a suitable counter ion (base). Dehydration/Ignition Heated to dryness To achieve a reproducible, stable composition. To change the chemical form of the precipitant.

5 Precipitation Measures taken to reduce super saturation and form easily filtered particles (precipitate): High temperature during precipitation. Slowly adding and vigorously mixing the reagents. Maintaining a large sample volume. Using homogenous precipitation.

6 Reaction! Formation of precipitate:
Fe3+ + (2 + x)H2O (base)→ FeOOH.xH2O(s) + 3H+ FeOOH.xH2O(s) (heat)→ Fe2O3(s)

7 Question? Why is the analyte treated with a counter ion?

8 Answer To promote precipitation.

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