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My Real World Wishlist Name Date.

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Presentation on theme: "My Real World Wishlist Name Date."— Presentation transcript:

1 My Real World Wishlist Name Date

2 The 5 slides you need Include details about everything Title
A place to live in your wishlist city Cost of house/360 (a 30 year mortgage) Transportation Cost of car/60 (5 year loan) Leisure Items Cost of most stuff/12 (a year to pay) Comparison of monthly costs Laminated wishlist vs. real life costs

3 Making it better Pictures Details What does it look like?
What makes what you chose special/cool?

4 Cost per Month Real World Examples Laminated Wishlist Sheets
1 slide only How much would you spend per month if you got everything on your wishlist that you wanted? Real World Examples Housing + Transportation + Each leisure item = Total Real World Cost per month Laminated Wishlist Sheets Housing + Transportation + Each leisure item = Expenses per month

5 Rubric Leisure items description/picture 5-6 slides Future city
Real place to live description Real place to live picture Real place to live cost per month Transportation description Transportation picture Transportation cost per month Leisure items description/picture Leisure items cost total per month Wishlist cost per month Real World cost per month Creativity Legibility

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