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To what extent do you agree:

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Presentation on theme: "To what extent do you agree:"— Presentation transcript:

1 To what extent do you agree:
Incident of the letter. To what extent do you agree: A letter’s contents is concealed within an envelope. This presents a motif that is reflected throughout the novel: duality.

2 Incident of the letter ‘Have you the envelope?’ he asked.
‘I burned it,’ replied Jekyll, ‘before I knew what it was about.’ Learning Checklist To be able to confidently discuss the events in Chapter 5. To feel confident in analysing language. CHALLENGE- To be able to examine how the author creates tension throughout Chapter 5.

3 Incident of the Letter Nomination Reading. Rules:
You may read from 3 sentences up to one page. You cannot nominate people who have already read. Please turn to page 28.

4 What new information do we learn in this chapter?
Quick-fire response- Pick one. What new information do we learn in this chapter? Why is our suspicion growing? Where in particular we feel tension – why there?

5 Tricky Task- Identify 3 ways we see Jekyll as suspicious:
Use a quotation, moment or structural device. Explain why this shows him as suspicious. Explain why Stevenson has done this and how we are meant to respond. Trickier Task- Re-read from the bottom of page 30. Pick out three quotations that create suspense or fear. Analyse how the language used in these quotations help create fear or tension. Trickiest Task- Create an analytical paragraph explaining how suspense is created in the following quotation, focussing on language AND structure. ‘The fire burned in the grate; a lamp was set lighted on the chimney shelf, for even in houses the fog began to lie thickly; and there close up to the warmth, sat Dr Jekyll, looking deadly sick. He did not rise to meet his visitor, but held out a cold hand and bade him welcome in a changed voice. (page 28)

6 The Change in Doctor Jekyll
Dr. Jekyll is a changed man when Utterson greets him in this chapter compared to the last time Utterson saw him. What accounts for this change? Think. Pair. Share

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